Bugbear - Wikipedia
A bugbear is a legendary creature or type of hobgoblin comparable to the boogeyman (or bugaboo or babau or cucuy), and other creatures of folklore, all of which were historically used in some cultures to frighten disobedient children.
Bugbear - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Bugbears were a massive humanoid race distantly related to, but larger and stronger than, goblins and hobgoblins. [10] Bugbears resembled hairy, feral goblins standing 7 feet (2.1 meters) tall. They took their name from their noses and claws, which were similar to those of bears. [12] .
Bugbear - DND 5th Edition
With roots in the Feywild, early bugbears resided in hidden places, in hard-to-reach and shadowed spaces. Long ago and from out of the corner of your eye, they came to the Material Plane, urged to spread throughout the multiverse by the conquering god Maglubiyet.
Bugbear - Monsters - D&D Beyond
Bugbears are hairy goblinoids born for battle and mayhem. They survive by raiding and hunting, but are fond of setting ambushes and fleeing when outmatched.
Bugbear - Great Library of Greyhawk
A bugbear, also called a "boogerbear," is a legendary creature comparable to the bogeyman, bogey, bugaboo, hobgoblin and other creatures of folklore, all of which were historically used in some cultures to frighten disobedient children.
Bugbear - Gods and Monsters
The bugbear is a thing of nightmares, summoned not by sorcery but by the human need to explain and control. The bugbear’s origins are more whispers than words, born from folklore that swirls and reshapes with each telling.
A (Very) Partial Pictorial History of Bugbears - Blogger
Jun 24, 2024 · With the AD&D Monster Manual (1977), we see the first examples of what will eventually become the iconic appearance of the bugbear – little wonder, since it's by Dave Sutherland, the artist most responsible in my opinion for the esthetic of old school D&D.
Bugbear - OSE SRD - Necrotic Gnome
Large, hairy goblins with an ungainly gait. Favour attacking by surprise. Surprise: On a 1–3, due to stealth. This page was last edited on 9 November 2022, at 09:15.
Bugbear | The Old Realm Wiki | Fandom
Neither bugs nor bears, bugbears are the hulking cousins of goblins and hobgoblins. With roots in the Feywild, early bugbears resided in hidden places, in hard-to-reach and shadowed spaces. Long ago and from out of the corner of your eye, they came to the Material Plane, urged to spread throughout the multiverse by the conquering god Maglubiyet.
Bugbears | Aeloria - World Anvil
At approximately 12 years old, Bugbears are taught the ways of the land and survivalist skills resulting in very skilled hunters. In their freetime they are forced to practice combatives of multiple forms for both their own good and entertainment for the adults in the society.