The OP Teemo buff : r/TeemoTalk - Reddit
Nov 1, 2021 · Teemo got a buff -> more players play him -> a lot of those players don't really master Teemo -> they lose their lane (as Teemo isn't as strong as brainless lane stomper) -> …
This is Teemo's Buff : r/TeemoTalk - Reddit
Jul 19, 2022 · Before these buffs were announced I was just thinking about nudging up the teemo ap ratio. The other buffs are nice as well. Teemo is the only full build champ where I can …
Does Teemo needs buffs? : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Oracle Lens' changes also ruin Teemo because enemies can now have two charges of it, allowing them to use one charge to clear Teemo's shrooms and save the other in case Teemo places …
On the topic of teemo buffs... : r/TeemoTalk - Reddit
May 8, 2023 · Like teemo is in a state where he isn't so weak he loses every game and needs a massive buff, although I do feel like he definitely needs some kind of buff, since compared to …
How to use Baron Buff as Teemo (match stats/full build in …
May 25, 2022 · Yup! I’ve actually tried Teemo JG, inspired by PC Twitch JG. Unfortunately Teemo’s early levels (1-5) camp clear is way too slow, creating a clear window for opposing …
If you got to buff Teemo, how? : r/TeemoTalk - Reddit
May 2, 2023 · W active now grants a much larger movement speed buff (double?) and the duration is increased by about 50%, but the bonus starts to rapidly fall off if Teemo attacks or …
Teemo needs buffs. : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Mar 25, 2021 · Played Camille vs Teemo yesterday and lost hard to him. Cant cs, he just aa with E and your health goes down really quick. If you E him, he'll Q and run back with W, Camille's …
I think it's time Teemo got a buff : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
Oct 27, 2018 · The only change I've seen in the Teemo build meta was the infamous 5 Spellbinder Teemo, which actually worked, and probably still does work, given how much …
teemo next buff ? : r/TeemoTalk - Reddit
Apr 12, 2023 · Lol why coping so much? Teemo late game is freaking OP and his early game also. You can go full CDR and spam shrooms and perma blind the adc(2 seconds cooldown Q …
Serious: Do you think Teemo needs a buff or change?
Jul 20, 2017 · He needs a rework, not a buff. Passive, W and E are rather boring, AA, Q and ult feel clunky, and he needs a VU. Little Devil Teemo already uses a new rig and it already feels …