List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BRM-1K (BRM stands for boevaya razvedyvatel'naya mashina – Combat reconnaissance vehicle, K stands for komandirskaya – command) – An improved command variant of the BRM-1 was developed simultaneously with it. It has all the equipment and fittings of the BRM-1 …
BRM-1K Korshun - Weaponsystems.net
The BRM-1K is a late Cold War era reconnaissance vehicle of Soviet origin. It was developed to support armored and mechanized formations employed by Soviet forces. The BRM-1K was to scout routes and detect enemy formations.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The BRM-1K is for reconnaissance missions on the battlefield. It is developed from the BMP-1 Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle. It has the same architecture as the BMP-1 with the engine...
BRM-1K Model 2022 - Army Recognition
Jan 7, 2025 · The BRM-1K Model 2021 was deployed for the time by the Russian army during combat operations during the Russo-Ukrainian War 2022. BRM-1K variants: - BRM-1 (BMP-R or BMP M1976): It is the first version of the reconnaissance tracked armored base on the BMP-1 IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle).
БРМ-1К — Википедия
БРМ-1К (Объект 676) — бронированная самоходная машина на гусеничном ходу, предназначенная для разведки на поле боя. Боевая разведывательная машина БРМ-1к была разработана на базе БМП-1 в КБ Челябинского тракторного завода …
BRM-1K - Army Guide
Army Guide - information about the main battle tanks, armoured vehicles and armament of the land forces and also the information concerning other army subjects - BRM-1K, Reconnaissance Vehicle, Armoured Vehicles
BRM-1K | Strategic Bureau of Information
Le BRM-1K est destiné aux missions de reconnaissance sur les champs de bataille. Il est développé à partir du véhicule blindé de combat d’infanterie BMP-1. Il possède la même architecture que le BMP-1 avec la motorisation à l’avant …
BRM-1 (BMP-R or BMP M1976) - GlobalSecurity.org
Nov 7, 2011 · The BRM-1K (BMP M1976/2) Armored Reconnaissance Command Vehicle, derived from BMP-1, has a 2-man turret and additional sensors. Two manportable SAM launchers are included.
BRM-1K - Wikipedia
brm-1kは、それまで偵察部隊に配備されていたpt-76水陸両用軽戦車を置き換えるため、1970年代初頭にチェリャビンスクトラクター工場の設計局でbmp-1をベースに開発された。 水上航行能力の存在や、車体の共通化による生産コストの低下のため、ベースにbmp-1が選ばれた。
BRM-1K - rhsmods.org
The BRM-1K is a is Soviet designed armored reconnaissance vehicle derived from the BMP-1 IFV, with added communications (R-130, R-014D telegraph), and a Tall Mike radar and seats for four additional passengers.