Bricket Wood coven - Wikipedia
The Bricket Wood coven, or Hertfordshire coven[1] is a coven of Gardnerian witches founded in the 1940s by Gerald Gardner. It is notable for being the first coven in the Gardnerian line, though having its supposed origins in the pre-Gardnerian New Forest coven.
The History of Bricket Wood Coven - Wicca Magazine
Dec 14, 2024 · The Bricket Wood Coven played a significant role in the development of modern witchcraft, particularly in the establishment of Wicca as a distinct tradition within the broader pagan movement.
HOME | Bricket Wood Coven
The Bricket Wood Coven is a historical group with significant contributions to modern paganism.
Coven History - Bricket Wood Coven
When Gerald formed the Bricket Wood coven she joined it and become High Priestess on Dafo’s departure. Doreen was a natural wordsmith and a huge help to Gerald in refining and developing the coven rituals and invocations. Jack Bracelin and Daynois were initiated into the coven in …
Bricket Wood Coven • Pagan Places
Mar 22, 2024 · The Bricket Wood Coven, also known as the Hertfordshire Coven, is the world’s first coven of Gardenian Wicca. Founded in Hertfordshire in the 1940s by Gerald B. Gardner, it succeeded the New Forest Coven, where Gardner himself was initiated.
The UK village with a mysterious secret that most locals aren’t …
Nov 4, 2024 · In Hertfordshire, Bricket Wood has had several brickworks over the years and features a large woodland area known as Bricket Wood Common, so the name isn’t just for show. In 1946, a man named Gerald Gardner founded a witches’ coven at …
Doreen Valiente - Bricket Wood Coven
Many believe her words and energy are largely responsible for the growth of the modern pagan movement. Doreen was born to a middle-class family in Colliers Wood, Surrey.
History of Wicca - Development of Wicca - Gardnerian Wicca and …
Gardner, claiming to be fearful that the Witch-Cult religion would die out, began to propagate it through forming the Bricket Wood coven in Hertfordshire in circa 1946. He acted as the High Priest for the coven, and Dafo, who had also been a member of …
Harry Potter and the Bricket Wood Coven - bad witch
May 27, 2015 · Harry Potter, the famous fictional boy wizard from the J K Rowling novels, never met Gerald Gardner, the father of modern pagan witchcraft, and neither did he visit his Wiccan coven at the sleepy English village of Bricket Wood. The picture above is a Photoshop illusion too, rather than real magic.
Gerald Gardner - Bricket Wood Coven
The coven continues to grow and flourish, keeping alive the spirit of Gardner’s work and remaining true to its traditions, while also adapting to the times, opinions and strengths of its members. We honour and recognise the incredibly important legacy of our own Witchfather, Gerald Brosseau Gardner.