Argulidae - Wikipedia
Branchiurans have a flattened, oval body, which is almost entirely covered by a broad, oval carapace, four thoracic segments each with a pair of swimming legs, a pair of anterior compound eyes, and an unsegmented abdomen without appendages which ends in paired abdominal lobes separated by the medial anal cleft. [6][7][8] They are compressed dors...
Introduction to the Branchiura - University of California Museum …
The Branchiura are a parasitic crustacean group of uncertain relationship within the Maxillopoda. They are thought to be an ancient group but there are no known fossils. There are approximately 130 species described currently, all of which are ectoparasites (attach to the outside of …
Branchiura - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
They occur in ecosystems ranging in size from large rivers to small ponds and are also well represented among subterranean fauna. The subclass Branchiura, or “fishlike,” attach themselves to the gills of fish; only one genus occurs in North American freshwaters (Argulus).
Branchiura (Fish Lice) - Encyclopedia.com
Branchiurans are ectoparasites of fishes, but are occasionally reported from the tadpoles of amphibians. They live mainly in freshwater habitats, both running and static water, and may occur at high density in artificial water bodies such as reservoirs, ornamental fishponds, and fish farms.
Branchiura (Crustacea) of the Gulf of Mexico William J. Poly The subclass Branchiura contains 4 valid genera: Argu- lus, Chonopeltis, Dipteropeltis, and Dolops within a single family, the Argulidae; however, subfamilies within the Argulidae and the family Dipteropeltidae also have been proposed (Yamaguti 1963). The genus Dipteropeltis con-
Branchiura Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BRANCHIURA is an order of Copepoda comprising copepods that have suctorial mouthparts and are parasitic on fish.
WInvertebrates! Subclass Branchiura
Feb 5, 2020 · Crustaceans of the Subclass Branchiura, or fishlice, are distinctive ectoparasites of marine and freshwater fishes. There are more than 120 freshwater species (1 family), only 18 species (1 genus) occurs in in-land habitats in North America (Poly, 2008).
The Branchiura (carp lice) is a small group of parasitic Crustacea found mainly on freshwater fi sh comprising the four genera Argulus, Dolops, Chonopeltis and Dipteropeltis.
Branchiura — a compendium of the geographical distribution …
This is a compendium of current knowledge about the crustacean subclass Branchiura Thorell, 1864. An overview of the group is presented, starting from the first species description, and reports of taxonomic changes.
(PDF) 24. Branchiura - ResearchGate
Jun 17, 2014 · The Branchiura are fish ectoparasites which include the well-known and very commonly found genus Argulus. But the Branchiura also contains the monotypic genus Dipteropeltis, about which only...