Wild Bradypodion transvaalense from Mpumalanga.
Jun 22, 2016 · Bradypodion occidentale is a common species on the West coast which is on the opposite side of the country so I've not attempted looking just yet. Bradypodion ngomense and Bradypodion nemorale occour in two isolated pockets of forests in Northern Kwa-Zulu Natal, the area is remote and unfortunately not very safe.
Very Rare Bradypodion Available for sale!! - Chameleon Forums
Jan 28, 2015 · Bradypodion dracomontanum - The last legal import of this species was in 1995 and was for 20 animals confirmed once again by Dr. Anderson. Again, a rare opportunity to work with a rare species. Pairs are offered at $1750/pair + $50 shipping and will be available in late June. Bradypodion damaranum - The last legal import of this species was in ...
Bradypodion thamnobates | Chameleon Forums
Jul 25, 2018 · I find Bradypodion ssp. to be fascinating as well. There is a B. thamnobates care sheet (consisting of several separate photos) on Atmosphere Chameleons USA Facebook page - see this link:
Bradypodion Thamnobates for Sale! - Chameleon Forums
Jun 27, 2017 · It has been a while since a nice group of Bradypodion have become publicly available for sale, take advantage of them now! Pictures of actual adult breeding pairs are listed below. First picture is a pair of Emhubeni. next two pictures are a of the Howick type. The final pictures are all Nottingham Road.
Bradypodion Thamnobates - Chameleon Forums
May 11, 2009 · Since they are from SA I thought any Bradypodion would be hands off. Chuck G Avid Member. May 12, 2009 #6
South African Bradypodion Road Trip. | Chameleon Forums
Apr 3, 2016 · Thought I'd share my field trip from December 2015 with those interested in Bradypodion. It began on the 6th December 2015 I set off from Durban, Kwa-Zulu Natal on a 11 day 1475km/987mile road trip focusing on reptiles and amphibians with specific Bradypodion targets in mind. I photographed 37...
Bradypodion thamnobates | Chameleon Forums
Bradypodion thamnobates. Natal Midlands Dwarf Chameleon; Profile Gallery Resources Experience. IUCN Status ...
Bradypodion damaranum | Chameleon Forums
Bradypodion . Bradypodion damaranum. Knysna Dwarf Chameleon; Profile Gallery Resources Experience. IUCN ...
Bradypodion pumilum | Chameleon Forums
May 19, 2010 · Sorry to tell you but that is definetely NOT bradypodion pumilum, the casque is way to tall and large developed to be pumilum. It looks more to me like a very lightly coloured damaranum. I still have a small pumilum with me now. Sorry definetely not pumilum
Bradypodion Breeding - Chameleon Forums
Jan 20, 2016 · I bought a pair of the Bradypodion chameleons Steve and the Chameleons International team brought in last spring, I got the Nottingham Rd locale. I am mostly into dart frogs but I had 1 bigger tank (24" x 20" x 36") that stayed a bit too dry for darts that I thought may suit a cooler more humid species of chameleon.