BOV (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
The BOV (Serbian: Борбено оклопно возило (БОВ), romanized: Borbeno oklopno vozilo (BOV), lit. 'Combat Armored Vehicle'), is an all-wheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia and today in Serbia. [3] . The second generation BOV is currently in development.
Yugoslavian BOV APC - tank-afv.com
From the antitank vehicle was developed the regular APC, BOV-1, also called BOV M-86. This more basic armored car was caracterised by a modified armored body, which answered originally to an official request of the Yugoslavian military and federal police.
BOV 8x8 Patria - Wikipedia
The BOV 8x8 Patria (Slovak: Bojové Obrnené Vozidlo 8x8 Patria, lit. 'Patria 8x8 Armoured fighting vehicle') is an 8×8 multi-role military vehicle produced by Patria Land oy., a Konštrukta – Defence company, in Dubnica nad Váhom with cooperation with DMD group and ZTS špeciál. The vehicle is a licensed variant of the Finnish Patria AMV xp.
BOV (APC) | Military Wiki | Fandom
The BOV (Borbeno Oklopno Vozilo), literally "Combat Armored Vehicle", is an all-wheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia.[2] The BOV has a capacity of 10, including a driver, gunner and eight infantrymen.[1]
BOV 4x4 APC - Army Recognition
Dec 1, 2024 · The BOV can run at a maximum road speed of 95 km/h with a maximum cruising range of 800 km. The BOV is able to negotiate gradient up to 55%, side slopes to 30% and natural and engineered trenches to 0.64m. The vehicle can climb vertical obstacle up to 0.54m and fording depth of 1.1m without preparation.
Category : BOV (APC) - Wikimedia
Feb 23, 2024 · Retrieved from "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:BOV_(APC)&oldid=854951945" Categories : Armored personnel carriers of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
BOV (Combat Armored Vehicle) 4x4 Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
Feb 4, 2023 · The inherent versatility of the design has allowed the BOV to branch down several roles. The base usage is Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) which can provide varying levels of protection to the crew and passengers while mounting variable machine gun and grenade-launcher weapons.
扎斯塔瓦M55高射炮 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
BOV-3 (英語:BOV (APC)) 自行高射炮 於1983年首次推出,該系統由經過改進的A4 B1系統升級而成,採用了伽利略J171彈道電腦,並將其裝設在BOV 裝甲輸送車 頂部的 砲塔 以上。 [4][2][3][5] 20×110毫米PZ(P ancirno Z rno)M60 穿甲 指示/標記 榴彈 (有和無 曳光藥劑):深黑色塗料,榴彈以上的三分之一塗有土紅色環。
BOV (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikiwand
Today, the BOVs in the Serbian Army are used by the Military Police (BOV M-86), in army mechanized armor battalions (BOV M-83) and in a reserve artillery rocket battalion PVO (BOV-3). BOVs are also used by special forces of the MUP Serbia, …
BOV (APC) - Wikiwand
高射機炮,既供南斯拉夫人民軍使用,亦可出口市場。除了基本的牽引型號M55 A2以外,還研發了M55 A3 B1、M55 A4 B1和 BOV-3(英语: BOV (APC))自行高射炮等型號。 1951年,聯邦國防秘書處(塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语:Savezni sekretarijat za narodnu
BOV-VP - Army Guide
The basic APC is called the BOV-VP and carries a total of eight fully armed men plus commander and driver. The hull of the vehicle is of all-welded steel construction that provides complete protection from small arms fire and shell splinters. It is believed that maximum armour thickness of the BOV is 8 mm.
BOV (APC) - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The BOV is a 4x4 armoured personnel carrier designed and built in the former Yugoslavia. This eight - man wheeled reconnaissance vehicle, powered by a Deutz six - cylinder diesel engine, was used for internal security and military duties.
Serbia's BOV OT M-21 APC: Modern Evolution of a Battle-Tested …
Aug 16, 2024 · In this video, we explore the Serbian Armed Forces' latest addition to their military arsenal—the BOV OT M-21 armored personnel carrier (APC). As a locally developed vehicle, the BOV OT M-21...
BOV-M (4 x 4) armored personnel carrier - Military Periscope
The BOV-M armored personnel carrier (APC) is the basic 4 x 4 chassis of a family of wheeled armored vehicles produced in the former Yugoslavia. The military police variant is designated BOV-VP. The hull of the BOV-M has sloping sides and a sloped, overhanging nose.
BOV (APC) - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
The BOV ( Borbeno Oklopno Vozilo ), literally "Combat Armored Vehicle", is an all-wheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia. [2] The BOV has a capacity of 10, including a driver, gunner and eight infantrymen. [1] .
Ukraine`s Armed Forces Use Even Old Yugoslav BOV APCs in …
Jan 7, 2025 · Characteristics of BOV wheeled armored vehicles: • combat weight - 9.1 tons; • crew - 2 people, possible placement of up to 8 people; • speed - up to 95 km/h on the highway. Defense Express reported earlier about Franch AMX-10RC on the Battlefield in Ukraine as Improvised Self-Propelled Artillery Praised for Effectiveness Against Enemy Infantry.
BOV (APC) - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Nov 25, 2023 · The BOV (Borbeno Oklopno Vozilo), literally Combat Armored Vehicle, is an allwheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia and today in Serbia. The BOV has a capacity of 10, including a driver, gunner and eight infantrymen. The vehicle has a fourwheel drive and is powered by
About: BOV (armoured personnel carrier) - DBpedia Association
The BOV (Serbian: Борбено оклопно возило (БОВ), romanized: Borbeno oklopno vozilo (BOV), lit. 'Combat Armored Vehicle'), is an all-wheel drive armoured vehicle manufactured in the former Yugoslavia and today in Serbia. The second generation BOV is currently in development.
Rare Slovenian wheeled BOV APC, destroyed and abandoned by …
Nov 24, 2024 · Rare Slovenian wheeled BOV APC, destroyed and abandoned by the enemy. Israel Bombs Lebanese University in Beirut
Yugoslavian Wheeled APCs - pmulcahy.com
There are several known variants, with the antiaircraft versions (BOV-3 and BOV-30) being more common by 2010 than the APC or ATGM carriers. (The AAA and ATGM variants will not be covered on this page.) APC variants are often used by home defense units these days. The BOV-VP and several of its subtypes is being replaced by the Finnish AMV and ...
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