Can someone summarize the bount arc for me? : r/bleach - Reddit
Jun 14, 2013 · The Bount arc is good if you watch it after you're done with the series. It's long, but the captains are shown as the massive powerhouses that they're supposed to be and Uryu gets a little character development. It's worth watching after you have nothing else to watch or read. The Captain Amagai arc is horrible. Absolutely horrible.
People who enjoyed the Bount arc? How and why? : r/bleach
And no, the Bount arc was longer. I believe the bount arc was 46 episodes, and the zanpakuto rebellion was 36 episodes in total if you count the beast swords part. If you count them seperately, then the zanpakuto rebellion is 26 episodes. Also, I hope you have a nice day too.
What are y’all’s opinions on the bount arc? : r/bleach - Reddit
to help as the in between the Soul Society arc and Arrancar arc. I mean, I find it really weird manga wise to go from the awesomeness of Bankai Ichigo vs. Byakuya to being humiliated by Grimmjow, so the Bount arc does helps for more development of the characters, giving Ichigo more time to get used to his shinigami powers and Bankai since its ...
Why is the Bount Arc so disliked? : r/bleach - Reddit
May 5, 2021 · The one thing i dislike about the bount arc is the hollow ichigo scene and how it’s almost shamelessly ripped from when he 1st used in the soul Society arc. Beat for beat if you watch the episodes side by side it’s just a repeat of the scene That’s the 1st time we see the hollow inside and it’s an awesome moment but in the bount arc it ...
Is The Bount Arc worth it? : r/bleach - Reddit
Mar 30, 2021 · There are some anime only characters who are introduced in the bount arc and appear briefly in later canon episodes for comic relief or in flashbacks. It's very annoying and my answer would probably be to skip it. If you're prepared to have a few brief moments of confusion as to who tf someone is, then you don't miss out that much.
Is the Bount arc canon? : r/bleach - Reddit
Thats why episode 109 was like how it was, it was basically the bookend to the Bount Arc, and then tried to flow back into the canon story. The Bount Arc was the one and only big Filler Arc to do this though, as the later Filler Arcs were far more stand alone seasons in the anime and didn't even attempt to make things flow.
Why is bount arc considered filler? : r/bleach - Reddit
Dec 31, 2021 · So the Bount Arc invented for the TV Show (god Bleach had so many damn filler arcs. So did Naruto...) is deemed filler as it didn't exist for the Manga. Mind you, while I didn't like Kariya as a villain I did enjoy some concepts from the bount arc. Now if you had a game detailing the story of a series from start > end but it added a random arc?
Why does everyone consider the Bount Arc bad? : r/bleach - Reddit
The arc would have been much better handled if it was slimmed down. It tried to do the same build up arc, then invasion arc as the Soul Society. But while the SS arc had plenty of stuff to introduce and expand on during that time, the bount arc didn't, so it lagged, painfully.
What makes the Bounts arc BAD in your opinion? : r/bleach - Reddit
I watched the Bount arc in its entirety, and I didn't hate it. I do agree it was a bit too long though. Just my opinion, but it would've been nice if the Bount arc was cut to only like 15-20 episodes, and then have the Arrancar & Heuco Mundo arcs each be an addition 7-10 episodes longer.
Que pensez-vous de l’arc Bount ? J'ai l'impression que le ... - Reddit
L'arc Bount a bien fait certaines choses en termes d'histoire, mais le rythme et les méchants ennuyeux lui ont fait mal. Zanpakuto Rebellion était amusant, mais je n'aimais pas le fait que chaque manifestation devait être humanoïde (la façon dont ils ont transformé l'esprit Zan de Renji en une femme humanoïde).