Countermeasure dispensing systems - Saab
BOL is an intelligent system solution that can counter RF and IR threats – decisively and effectively. BOL is electromechanical and therefore inherently safe to operate. BOL can be installed into missile launchers, conformal housings, pylons, fuselage or external pods.
The Chemring/SAAB developed BOL chaff pack is used with the BOL dispenser. The innovative BOL dispenser utilises the redundant space in the LAU-7 missile launch rail. The BOL system offers storage space of five times more chaff capacity than conventional pyrotechnic dispensing systems. BOL does not take up valuable weapon pylon space in the ...
Countermeasures explained - the art of pre-emptive protection
May 19, 2021 · Saab is unique to provide this kind of dispenser. Our electromechanical CMDS product family is called BOL. Each BOL unit can contain as many as 160 chaffs or pyrophoric expendable decoys, which is a lot compared to most other pyrotechnical dispensers, which typically contain 30 to 40 decoys.
as reactive modes of operation. Mounted on the wings, BOL provides world leading pre-emptive and reactive protection capability against RF threats by dispensing into the airc. active chaf and IR capability. Each BOL provides the Aircraft with several min. s enables sovereign capability. Adaptable – Can be fitted to all fixed wing plat.
Advanced RF Countermeasures – Chemring Group PLC
The Chemring Chaff Countermeasure 26mm forms part of the defensive aids system to protect a host aircraft from radar-guided missile threats by providing an expendable chaff payload as a suitable alternative and preferred target or ‘decoy’.
RF - Chaff Pack BOL Mk2 Type 1 – Chemring Group PLC
The Chemring/SAAB developed BOL chaff pack is used with the BOL dispenser. The innovative BOL dispenser utilises the redundant space in the LAU-7 missile launch rail.
MJU-52/B BOL-IR decoy - GlobalSecurity.org
Jul 7, 2011 · It was designed to increase the survivability of aircraft capable of carrying the LAU-138A/A Guided Missile Launcher Set BOL dispenser (or its derivatives). The dispenser is currently loaded with...
BOL Chaff NEEDS to be brought up to its realistic capability
Jul 25, 2024 · Currrently BOL chaff performs woefully, which puts any users, ESPECIALLY those only with BOL at a huge disadvantage to the point where chaffing ARH missiles is virtually impossible, whereas those with large and normal chaff can even accidentally chaff missiles.
Bol chaff FCT extended; F/A-18 use considered
Oct 29, 1998 · The Pentagon has decided to extend the Foreign Comparative Test assessment of the Swedish Bol chaff dispensing system for the U.S. Air Force's F-15 as the U.S. Navy considers expanding its use...
Successful first flight for BOL countermeasures dispensing
Jun 8, 2012 · The BOL system uses wingtip vortices to distribute the chaff- and IR payload, which greatly improves dispersion and the rapid formation of a protective cloud, while avoiding the need for pyrotechnics and making it quicker, easier and safer to load the system.
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