Best sniper? : r/Blackops4 - Reddit
Jul 30, 2021 · There's no equivalent to the BO3 Locus. The hardest hitting sniper in BO4 is the Paladin which has the same 1-hit kill area as the BO3 Locus but with a slower ADS speed, much slower fire rate, much smaller mag, and much more idle sway. In comparison, the BO4 Locus can only 1-hit from the chest up, has slower ADS, worse handling, and a smaller mag.
The problem with snipers on BO4 : r/Blackops4 - Reddit
Aug 7, 2018 · In any previous title that gun will take 5 shots to kill. On BO4 it will take at 8 shots. However the sniper which would have taken 1 shot (100dmg) in previous games still takes just 1 shot (150dmg)in this one. Essentially a 50% health increase has meant a 50% ttk increase for every class except snipers - who’s ttk is completely unaffected.
Tips for dark matter MP? : r/Blackops4 - Reddit
Apr 30, 2023 · Sniping generally for me is easier in regular modes because in bolt action it’s usually really good snipers who have really good movement which means it’s hard to hit shots on them - I’d recommend mercenary deathmatch since the player base is typically alot worse meaning the movement isn’t as sweaty so you can hit your sniper shots
The best sniper rifle in bo4? : r/Blackops4 - Reddit
Hey guys i am a new player in cod bo4 and I would like to find out what sniper rifle is the best? 🤘 edit: i love good rof
Snipers Nest : r/Blackops4 - Reddit
Nov 24, 2020 · In all honesty the streaks in BO4 are great, but when it comes to BO2 and MW2 those streaks are another level. The Gunship on BO4 is better than the AC-130 on MW2 though. Let's be honest the best streak in COD history is the …
Unpopular opinion, snipers are weaker than in the other cods.
I don't know why people are complaining about the sniping. I've been sniping for 15 years and I can tell, snipers in xdefiant are weaker than CW, MW or BO4 snipers. I had nukes in BO4 or CW (even with the SBMM) so I know what I'm talking about. …
Sniper headshots : r/CODZombies - Reddit
Mar 9, 2020 · Same here, made the snipers feel unique, they also had a sound indicator for Stone Cold stronghold when your armour charged up. But people with vision didn't like it. Unique sounds like this help blind players like myself immensely. That is why the menu system has sound effects to help us navigate it.
Snipers GA’d : r/CoDCompetitive - Reddit
Jan 22, 2021 · HAHA, that’s not happening in this game, never mind the auto aim in this game compared to Bo4 snipers, that’s a fucking joke too but I honest to go am only concerned about flinch if that’s “fixed” I would be a happy camper at least. I just can’t take someone seriously who thinks that zero flinch is a fucking none issue. What am I ...
Do you prefer the old or new point system? : r/CODZombies - Reddit
Snipers for example in the older games were nothing but trash DSR iron sights, Drakon, Locus, SVG even, every sniper in IW except the Widowmaker and TF141, all the BO4 snipers are decent. I've literally never used Snipers in CWZ, their handling is so god damn slow.
Sniper probably already GA'd for BO6 : r/CoDCompetitive - Reddit
In Cold War snipers were fucked too but at least there wasn’t a ton of sight lines and random angles to worry about being shot from so you could control your gunfights and control the potential sight lines you could be shot from more so than these OG MW2 maps which didn’t age well imo and it makes taking on snipers from those pesky angles ...