Blue Horde - Wikipedia
The Blue Horde (Mongolian: Хөх орд/khökh ord; Tatar: Күк Урда/Kük Urda; Turkish: Gök Ordu) was a crucial component of the Mongol Empire established after Genghis Khan 's demise in …
Wings of the Golden Horde - Wikipedia
From the 1280s until 1299, the White Horde (or Blue Horde) was effectively under the control of two khans, the legitimate khans and Nogai, a warlord and kingmaker, who made an alliance …
Batu Khan - Wikipedia
Batu Khan (c. 1205 –1255) [note 1] was a Mongol ruler and founder of the Golden Horde, a constituent of the Mongol Empire established after Genghis Khan's demise. Batu was a son of …
Kingdoms of Central Asia - Blue Horde (Golden Horde) - The …
There are no further khakhans (great khans), and command of the empire's territory is now permanently divided into four distinct and fully independent kingdoms: the Golden Horde …
Blue Horde - Extended Timeline Wiki
Blue Horde at its start, is a Tengri-Sunni Kazakh Steppe Nomads and is located in the Pontic Steppe but has land in the Central Asia, Ural, and West Siberia regions and is in Tartary. The …
Why were fragments of the Mongol empire named after colors?
Mar 23, 2019 · Mongols used Turkic terminology when they designated the white and blue divisions of the horde. This was because it was the successor of the Cuman-Kipchack …
What is the difference between the White and Blue wings of the ... - Reddit
Jun 20, 2022 · As far as I can find out myself, the White Horde had more relevance to Chinese/Mongolian affairs, but were relatively peaceful and kept to themselves, while the Blue …
Blue Horde | Article about Blue Horde by The Free Dictionary
Blue Horde (in Turkic, Kök-ordu), a name, found in Russian sources of the 13th and 15th centuries, for the White Horde (Ak-ordu) and its lands. The Blue Horde included the lands of …
List of khans of the Golden Horde - Wikipedia
Khans of the Blue Horde are listed as the principal rulers of the Golden Horde, although many late rulers of the Golden Horde originated from the subordinate White Horde. Following the general …
Category : Blue Horde - Wikimedia
Dec 2, 2023 · Mongol horde of the 13th-14th centuries, controlling the western territories of the Golden Horde