Bivalvia - Wikipedia
Bivalves appear in the fossil record first in the early Cambrian more than 500 million years ago. The total number of known living species is about 9,200. These species are placed within …
Class Bivalvia - Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
The mineralized shells of ancient bivalves have a superb fossil record, but, their soft parts are virtually unknown. An exception is provided by several remarkably preserved specimens of …
Evolutionary History of Bivalves - Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
There are no known bivalve fossils between the Middle Cambrian and the Early Ordovician, when there was a major increase in body size and an explosion of forms into a variety of habits, …
Bivalves - British Geological Survey
Bivalves have inhabited the Earth for over 500 million years. They first appeared in the midddle Cambrian, about 300 million years before the dinosaurs. They flourished in the Mesozoic and …
Bivalves (pelecypods, clams, etc.), Fossils, Kentucky Geological …
Jan 5, 2023 · Bivalves are filter- and deposit-feeding organisms that take in water and particles through the opening between their valves or siphons which extend out of the shell and filter …
Bivalves parts, Fossils, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
Jan 5, 2023 · Some parts on the exterior of modern bivalve shells (clams, mussels, and scallops) with different shapes, which can be preserved in fossils. Examples are Little neck clam …
Bivalve Phylogeny and Classification - Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
Fossil specimen of the bivalve scallop Argopecten gibbus from the Neogene (Pliocene) of Sarasota County, Florida (PRI 50125). Specimen is from the collections of the Paleontological …
Bivalve preservation (casts and molds), Fossils, Kentucky …
Jan 5, 2023 · When shells dissolve, the void left behind or any sediment that was trapped between the valves when the bivalve died is what is left to be fossilized. The void can form a …
Cretaceous Atlas of Ancient Life | Bivalvia
Bivalves feed by pumping water through their bodies and removing microscopic particles of food from the water. Some of the major groups (or, orders) of bivalves known from the Cretaceous …
Bivalve Mollusks – WGNHS – UW–Madison
Bivalves originated in the Cambrian period but did not become abundant until the Ordovician period. They are not particularly common in the Paleozoic rock of Wisconsin, but they …
Fossil Specimen: Bivalvia - Jurassic James
The group includes modern and fossil members of the groups commonly called pectin, lima, oysters, mussels, and clams. The earliest members of this class first appear in the fossil …
Fossils of the Paleozoic: Phylum Mollusca (The Bivalves & Gastropods)
Bivalve shells take many different forms that reflect the characteristics of the environment in which they lived, and they are easily preserved. This class is the most important index fossil for the …
Bivalve - Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Bivalves include modern clams, mussels, scallops and other groups. They have a long fossil record, from the early Cambrian Period to the present. Most obtain food by filtering freshwater …
Neogene Atlas of Ancient Life | Bivalvia
Bivalves feed by pumping water through their bodies and removing microscopic particles of food from the water. Some of the major groups (or, orders) of bivalves known from the Neogene …
Bivalve lifestyles and ecology, Fossils, Kentucky Geological Survey ...
Jan 5, 2023 · Fossil bivalves inhabited the same habitats as modern bivalves. Marine, brackish, and freshwater origins for fossil bivalves are usually determined by their associations with …
Lucina (bivalve) - Wikipedia
Lucina is a genus of saltwater clams, marine bivalve molluscs. [2] [3] ... Fossil record. Fossils of Lucina are found in marine strata from the Devonian until the Quaternary (age range: from …
Bivalve Ecology and Paleoecology - Digital Atlas of Ancient Life
Because bivalves usually live in close association with their substrates, their shells frequently closely reflect their mode of life (see image above). This means that shell shape of fossil …
Bivalves | Public Zone | GB3D Type Fossils | High resolution ...
Bivalves, which belong to the phylum Mollusca and class Bivalvia, have two hard, usually bowl-shaped, shells (called valves) enclosing the soft body. The valves are the parts usually found …
Bivalves have been on Earth as long as almost any other fossils. Read the following chart from bottom (oldest) to top (youngest) for a chronological history of the evolution of bivalves. (Note: …
Fossils and dinosaurs - Bivalves - OneGeology Kids
Fossil bivalves were formed when the sediment in which they were buried hardened into rock. Many closely resemble living forms which helps us to understand how they must have lived. …