Birgunj - Wikipedia
Birganj (Nepali: वीरगञ्ज) is a metropolitan city in Parsa District in Madhes Pradesh in southern Nepal. It lies 135 km (84 mi) south of the capital Kathmandu, attached in the north to Raxaul on the border of the Indian state of Bihar. [3] . As an entry point to Nepal from Patna, Birganj is known as the "Gateway of Nepal".
比尔根杰_Port of Birganj_比尔根杰港口介绍 - 搜 ... - 搜航网
尼泊尔南部的重要门户,特赖平原中部重镇。 邻近印度边境,与印度的拉克索尔仅一桥之隔。 人口1.3万。 和印度有窄轨铁路相通。 与首都和国内主要城镇均有公路连接。 有轧钢厂及全国最大的糖厂,还有火柴、农具和卷烟等厂。 周围产稻、小麦、玉米、黄麻。 有规模较大的养鱼中心。 商业繁荣。 最新消息! 货物仍在燃烧! 除夕爆炸船舶现已搁浅! 此前,北京时间2025年1月28日,一艘名为ASLBauhinia的集装箱船舶在红海海域发生火灾并伴随剧烈爆炸。 由... MSK确定 …
Birgunj口岸是尼印边境主要口岸之一,也是目前我国货物通过印度港口进入尼泊尔的唯一窗口。 ICD码头耗资2800万美元,为世行贷款项目,按计划应在2003年12月付诸使用。
Birgunj Tourism (2025) - Nepal > Top Places, Travel Guide - Holidify
Birgunj is a metropolitan city in Parsa District in Province No. 2 of southern Nepal. It lies 135 kilometres south of the capital Kathmandu, located in the north to Raxaul, although not a frequented destination on tourist itineraries, it is often a popular stopover for people undertaking treks in Nepal such as the Annapurna Base Camp and the ...
Top 6 things to do in Birgunj - Nepal Traveller
Oct 9, 2020 · Get a taste of multilingual and multi-ethnic Nepal, visit Birgunj the industrial city of Nepal and add color to your travel memories when in Nepal. The favorite hub of the business community has a lot more to offer than just border trade.
Birgunj – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Birgunj is a city in Parsa district, Nepal. The city is located on the borders with the Indian state of Bihar, and is a major point of entry for goods coming from India and also the port of Kolkata. Flights to the city are available from Kathmandu to an airport city called Jeetpur-Simara from where it takes around 30 minutes to reach Birgunj.
比爾甘傑 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
比爾甘傑 (尼泊爾語: वीरगञ्ज)是 尼泊爾 的城鎮,位於該國南部,由 馬德什省 負責管轄,距離首都 加德滿都 283公里,毗鄰與 印度 接壤的邊境,是進入尼泊爾的門戶,2021年人口268273人。 比爾甘傑是 拉納王朝 首相莫漢·蘇姆謝爾·忠格·巴哈杜爾·拉納統治期間最早成立的三個城市之一。 它於2017年5月22日與比蘭德拉納加爾和博卡拉一起被宣佈為大都會城市。 該鎮對尼泊爾具有重要的經濟意義,稱為“尼泊爾商業首都”,因為與印度的大部分貿易都是通過比爾甘傑進行,也 …
伯甘杰 - 百度百科
比尔根杰 一译“伯甘杰”。 尼泊尔 南部的重要门户,特赖平原中部重镇。 邻近印度边境,与印度的拉克索尔仅一桥之隔。 人口1.3万。 和印度有窄轨铁路相通。 与首都和国内主要城镇均有公路连接。 有轧钢厂及全国最大的糖厂,还有火柴、农具和卷烟等厂。 周围产稻、小麦、玉米、黄麻。 有规模较大的养鱼中心。 商业繁荣。 比尔根杰 一译“伯甘杰”。 尼泊尔南部的重要门户,特赖平原中部重镇。 邻近印度边境,与印度的拉克索尔仅一桥之隔。 人口1.3万。 和印度有窄轨铁路相 …
Birgunj City — HamroBirgunj Dot Com
Birgunj (also Birganj) (Nepali: बीरगंज) is a metropolitan city and border town in Parsa District in the Narayani Zone of southern Nepal. It lies 135 km (84 mi) south of the capital Kathmandu, attached in the north to Raxaul in the border of the Indian state of Bihar.[1]
- Reviews: 1
Apr 2, 2020 · Birgunj is currently the second-largest city in the Terai region of Nepal (after Biratnagar), and the sixth most populated metropolitan of the nation. Birgunj is a major business centre in Nepal. Birgunj port is the busiest land of Nepal .