Bf 110 E-2 cockpit guide and engine operation notes
Nov 24, 2015 · Engine: DB 601A Max Continuous Power: 1.18 ata Max Combat Power: 1.26 ata, 30-minute limit Max Emergency Power: 1.40 ata, 1-minute limit Supercharger: automatic Fuel mixture: automatic Engines can be individually feathered Oil Radiators: manually controlled with the He-111, Bf-110 oil radiators: ...
Night fighters over the Kuban - Bf-110 G2 campaign
Jan 4, 2019 · None of the units Bf-110s was equipped with radar, so interceptions had to be done in close cooperation with searchlights batteries. Despite the lack of onboard radar and the small number of available aircraft, the unit scored dozens of night victories.
Bf-110 E2 Skins - 4K Skins and Templates - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Nov 25, 2015 · Bf - 110 is a wonderful aircraft, so my first skin will be " Wolf's Head " Poland 1942. Always remember to book " End of Canes dogs " by Anatoliy Ivakin. Camouflage RLM 74/75/76.
Bf-110 E2 Skins - Page 3 - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Nov 25, 2015 · Bf-110 E Stab II ZG 26 "3U+BC" Russia June 1941 version 2.0 Hi all, Thanks to Panzerbar for his corrections on historic markings and his excellent knowledge here is an updated "version 2.0" of my previous 110 skin hopefully this time …
Bf-110 Aces on the Eastern Front - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Aug 23, 2017 · Recently, Panzerbar made a post about Bf-110 operations on the Eastern Front, which, to my surprise, involved freijagd and interception missions. I'd always thought that, after the Battle of Britain, Bf-110s were only used as day fighters in the Balkans, Africa, and Middle East, being used exclusively as nightfighters and attackers on the ...
Bf-110 G2 campaign - Page 2 - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Jan 4, 2019 · Taxying for me. I like to taxy back to dispersal after landing as well. The thing that I hate is spawning on the runway with engines running and my flight belts off down the runway before I have time to set up my plane properly - mixture, rpm, oil and water rads or cowl flaps, wing flaps, lights if dark etc.
BF 110, Forgive a noob question... - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Dec 26, 2016 · Brings back memories of the Groundcrew BF-110... for CFS3, That one had a G2/R2 variant if memory serves well, in which the 2x30 were replaced by 2x20 (- MG-FF or 151/20 i do not recall.) Imagine 4x20 in the nose... + 2 under the belly.
Bf 110 G-2: First Impressions - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Jan 31, 2017 · Though I think the Bf 110 in general has a few great problems as an interceptor (lack of climb rate and being a fairly big and easy target for gunners as well as escort fighters) With 4xMG 151 close to the center line you chew through any aircraft pretty fast, and you have sufficient ammo to take down an entire squadron of Pe-2s (Shot down all ...
For The Love of 110 - General Discussion - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Nov 26, 2018 · Howdy, pilots! I like the Bf-110 just as much as the other guy, so when it comes to flying the blues, I like to fly it in the usual fighter/bomber configuration. Due to this, I wanted to bring the possibility for the Bf-110 G-2 to carry wing mounted BR 21 rockets and have Mk 108 cannons. These mo...
BF-110 engine failure. - General Discussion - IL-2 Sturmovik Forum
Dec 3, 2019 · BF-110 engine failure. BF-110 engine failure. By 356thFS_Melonfish December 3, 2019 in General ...