Bedan tool- bevel up or down? - American Association of …
Jan 24, 2010 · The bedan is wider than a parting tool and narrower than a scraper, so maybe go for less than 1/3 of the end. It can get WAY too exciting if you engage too much of the end of the tool. I would also assume you would use the tool with the …
Bedan use - American Association of Woodturners
Dec 13, 2023 · Bedan is a traditional scraper. Skew is more of a negative rake scraper. Parting tools are also scrapers; just more narrow. I used a bedan for peeling cuts when the peel width is relative small, say an inch or less. For really wide diameter reduction I use an SRG. The bedan is much easier to sharpen; just raise a new burr.
Making a Bedan from HSS blank - American Association of …
Jan 24, 2010 · John, here are a couple of pics. Bought these from JFE himself, great class at Arrowmont. One is 1/2 inch square the other is about 5mm by 10mm with no side bevel. The 5mm Bedan angle is 35° the 1/2 is about 33°, I think it probably started at 35. Overall length of 1/2" is 27" with a blade length of 10. The 5mm OAL is 16.5 with a blade length ...
Sharpening Bedan and Parting Tools | American Association of …
Aug 26, 2006 · The Bedan, like a skew is used razor sharp, so the edge from the wheel is honed/sharpened back by hand. Another reason is the tool is used bevel up. I took a class with Jean-François Escoulen, a master of the Bedan, the first thing he thought us was a few words in French that should not be uttered in polite company.
Making a bedan tool and scrapers? - American Association of …
Jan 24, 2010 · Not sure if this is the correct forum section but here goes. Got three pieces of HSS a while back. Discovered them hiding on the top shelf in the shop. One is going to be a bedan tool. I was thinking the other two could be ground to RH and LH scrapers similar to those used for bowl interiors. I noted that the WC catalogue has scrapers for bowls.
Bedan Tool - American Association of Woodturners
Feb 13, 2009 · Are you sure you are talking about a Bedan. A flat scraper with the left side ground down are what many people use to finish the bottom and side of boxes. It probably looks like a Bedan. A Bedan might be good for doing the bottom and the sides of some Bedan tools are angles so the side might do some cutting but I would think it would chatter.
A more narrow skew chisel - American Association of Woodturners
Oct 1, 2018 · However even those are too big for some of the small figures I have been turning. I need a skew closer to 3/8 wide. The problem is that most smaller skews are also very thin. They vibrate and chatter too much. Does anyone make a heavy duty narrow skew, or this something a bedan would cover better.
Can I use hardened steel to make a bedan?
May 19, 2011 · A Big Ugly Bedan is what you would call a piece Tangtung brazed onto a length of key-stock. There are a multitude of carbides available to the metal machining industry and grinding them to a desired profile is a common practice.
Glaser 1/2 inch Bedan tool - American Association of Woodturners
Nov 1, 2008 · Glaser 1/2 inch Bedan tool. Great shape. $100 shipped. Attachments. 20201011_141837.jpg.
What angles do you grind your turning tools?
Oct 19, 2016 · I read Dennis J Gooding's post regarding the design characteristics about blunt but sharp turning tools and the way they cut the wood as it is turning on the lathe. I am not sure I followed this post at all but this brought up a question that I have often wondered about. I …