The Baùta: the only unisex mask, symbol of the Carnival of Venice
Feb 6, 2021 · The Baùta (or Baùtta) is the most characteristic and traditional disguise of the lagoon city, whose shape and history convey all the essence of the masked carnival of the Serenissima.
Bauta (maschera) - Wikipedia
La bauta è una maschera usata nel Carnevale veneziano. La bauta in un costume teatrale (Russia, inizio XX secolo) Comparve a Venezia tra il XV ed il XVI secolo ed è il travestimento veneziano per antonomasia.
BAUTTA Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BAUTTA is a black cloak with a hood that falls so as to mask the face especially for masquerades.
Bauta – Wikipedia
Die Bauta (Betonung auf ù) ist ein Kleidungsstück aus dem venezianischen Karneval. Außerhalb des Karnevals diente die Bauta dem venezianischen Stadtadel vor allem im 18. Jahrhundert als „Gesellschaftsmaske“ und standardisiertes Anonymisierungsmittel. [1] .
Bauta mask | Volto | Bautta | Venice Carnival Traditions - Delpiano
The Bauta is to be considered the traditional Venetian mask, the one mostly used to cover your features, made in a way that it is still possible to eat and drink without having to take it off. The Bauta is usually white, and it is not only a Carnival mask, in the sense in those times it could also be used all year long, to protect one's identity.
Bauta: Queen of Venetian masks - Ca' Macana
Until 1797, when the Republic of Venice ceased to exist, Venetian masks were a major part of everyday life and worn well outside the carnival period. In fact, by law, one could wear a bauta mask for around six months out of the year.
Arte antica e dintorni: La bautta e la moretta
Jan 31, 2013 · La "bautta" (o bauta) è la maschera veneziana più caratteristica del carnevale. Fece la sua prima comparsa alla fine del Seicento e nel secolo successivo divenne diffusissima. Inizialmente fu adottata dai soli uomini, poi anche dalle donne; era per esempio d’obbligo alle donne che si recavano a teatro mentre era proibita alle fanciulle in ...
Venetian traditional masks - Meeting Venice
The Bàuta or Bautta is the most simple and common mask in Venice. A black cloack, mask and a hat are the elements characterizing the mask itself: the black cloak to hide clothes, the lace on the base of the mask and the cocked hat to hide the face.
Venice Carnival mask | Bauta mask | Volto | Bautta
It is the more known / traditional / diffused Venetian mask, old women loved it (easy to guess why …) and it was even too often much used and abused.
Bautta - Enciclopedia - Treccani
Nome dato al tipico travestimento con cui i Veneziani nel sec. XVIII amavano mascherarsi: la sua foggia raggiunse la sua forma definitiva nel Settecento.