Bajoran | Memory Alpha | Fandom
The Bajoran religion was based upon the revelations of the Prophets, who came to be known as timeless beings residing in the Bajoran wormhole, or as it was called by the Bajorans, the …
Bajoran - Wikipedia
They are a humanoid extraterrestrial species native to the planet Bajor, who have a long-standing enmity with the Cardassians, owing to decades of subjugation under a military dictatorship …
Bajor | Memory Alpha | Fandom
Mar 9, 2015 · Bajor was an inhabited eleventh planet of the Bajoran system. This system was located inside Bajoran space in the Bajor sector of the Alpha Quadrant. This was the largest …
Bajoran history - Memory Alpha
Stretching back at least hundreds of thousands of years, Bajoran history is the story of a spiritual people shepherded by supernatural beings. Their mettle was tested as outsiders took an …
Bajoran | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | Fandom
Bajorans are a deeply spiritual people from the planet Bajor in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant, also sometimes referred to as the Bajora. (DS9 episode & novelization: Emissary; TNG episode: …
Bajoran - Star Trek: Theurgy Wiki
The Bajorans (also known as the "Bajora") were a spiritual, dauntless humanoid species native to the planet Bajor in the Alpha Quadrant.
Bajorans | StarTrek.nl
Humanoid civilization from the planet Bajor. Bajoran culture flourished a half-million years ago, when humans on Earth were not yet standing erect. The Bajoran people are deeply spiritual, …
Bajoran - Federation Space
Apr 12, 2022 · With their liberation from the Cardassians and the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole, the Bajorans are taking a new place as major players on the interstellar stage. …
Star Trek Lives - Life-Forms - Bajorans
Bajorans are humanoid in form and function with the exception of a ridged nose. Slight deviations from Terran human physiology can be discerned through different reactions to body change. …
Bajoran religion | Memory Alpha - Fandom
The Bajoran religion was centered around the Prophets, the Bajoran name for the aliens residing inside the Bajoran wormhole, which the Bajorans believed was the Celestial Temple. Bajorans …