Bahrag - BIONICLEsector01
Jun 24, 2024 · The Bahrag, Cahdok and Gahdok, are the queens of the Bohrok swarms. The Bahrag were created by the Great Beings with the sole purpose of leading the Bohrok in …
Bahrag - The BIONICLE Wiki
The Bahrag were the twin Bohrok Queens, Cahdok and Gahdok. They each had all the powers of the main six Bohrok breeds, plus the ability to cast illusions that seemed real and solid until …
Bohrok-Kal - BIONICLEsector01
Nov 28, 2024 · In the early years of the Matoran Universe, the Bohrok-Kal were created by the twin queens of the Bohrok swarms, Cahdok and Gahdok. The Bahrag exposed six Bohrok, …
Bahrag - The Great Archives
The Bahrag possessed the elemental powers of the six Bohrok breeds and the ability to create lifelike illusions. 1 The Bahrag were the twin queens of the Bohrok swarms. Created by the …
Chronicles of Takua - BIONICLEsector01
If the day ever came that the Bahrag were defeated, either by an enemy or a natural force, the Bohrok-Kal would awaken. Their mission: Find the Bahrag. Free the Bahrag. Unleash the …
Toa Mata | The BIONICLE Wiki | Fandom
The Bahrag, queens of the Bohrok. The Toa entered the Bohrok Nest, in which they overcame illusions and traps and eventually made it to the lair of the Bahrag queens. There they …
Bahrag - Pikminjake Wiki | Fandom
The Bahrag, Cahdok and Gahdok, were the twin queens of the Black Fantasy, built by the archangels in Babylon of Elysium. They were moved to the planet Enoch when they were …
Bahrag | Bionicle Games Wiki - Fandom
The Bahrag Twins are the final bosses, fought in Onu-Wahi. They fight exactly like Muaka, but are faster. Also, they have two life bars, one for each. Cahdok (red) is fought first, then Gahdok …
Bahrag - Bionicle Circulation Wiki
The Bahrag (バラグ Baragu) are a species of Matoran resembling reptiles, they are also the source of all the Bohrok in existence. Due to their involvement in the Agori-Matoran War the …
BIONICLEstory.com - BioMedia Project
The Toa created an energized protodermis cage which traps the Bahrag, finally halting the swarms. In their moment of triumph, the Toa are swallowed into pools of energized …