BADAGA HISTORY ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas of The Nilgiris
Badagas worship several Hindu deities, including Shiva, but their main deities are Hethai and Ayya. They celebrate Hethai Habba in a grand fashion spread over a month during December–January every year, and the festival is celebrated all over the district.
Badaga Of The Nilgiris
The Badagas are an important Tribe of Nilgiris and their Culture is very rich and unique in many ways. The tribal ways of doing rituals while celebrating the following life-cycle rituals by Badagas even today reveals the fact that they followed a distinctive tribal culture in the Nilgiri hills.
BADAGA CULTURE ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas of The Nilgiris
The Badagas are an important Tribe of Nilgiris and their Culture is very rich and unique in many ways. The tribal ways of doing rituals while celebrating the following life-cycle rituals by Badagas even today reveals the fact that they followed a distinctive tribal culture in the Nilgiri hills.
FESTIVALS ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas of The Nilgiris
Badagas call festivals as "HABBA." Badagas main deities are Hethai and Ayya. They also worship several Hindu deities, including Shiva, Krishna, Khaali, Maari, Muniappa.
UNKNOWN FACTS OF BADAGA ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas …
Badagas are the largest aboriginal Tribes inhabiting in Nilgiris over 5000 BC .They have an ethnic worship, culture, folk dance and songs.
Badagas are the largest aboriginal Tribes inhabiting in Nilgiris over 5000 BC .They have an ethnic worship, culture, folk dance and songs.
UNITED NATIONS ON BADAGAS ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas …
BADAGAS OF NILGIRIS INCLUDED IN UN WORLD’S INDIGENOUS PEOPLE DATA BASE. The Badagas, the largest indigenous social group in the Nilgiris, have been included in the Data Base of World’s Indigenous Peoples by the United Nations Mountain Partnership.
PAST AND PRESENT SCENARIO ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas …
The Badagas lost more than two lakhs acres of their ancestral lands (H.B.Grigg, 1880:12,302,307,312,325,332). Where would these people go? Pre-British Nilgiri was called “Badaga Country”.
THE NILGIRIS ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas of The Nilgiris
Many Neolithic monuments could be found in nilgiris, mostly in Badaga Villages where Badagas considered it as Sacared. Badagas says that these monuments are built by their ancestors. They offer regular pojas to the monuments.
DRESS ~ Badaga Of The NilgirisBadagas of The Nilgiris
It is well known that the traditional dress of the men and women of the Badagas are different from other communities in India. The typical tribal costume of the Badaga men consists of languti, white turban; long body-cloth with red, black and gold stripes wrapped round throw one end is over his shoulder (Seelae).