Irken Biology | Invader ZIM Wiki | Fandom
Irkensare a race of green-skinned humanoids, with three fingers and three toes. Irkens have a skeletal structure, not unlike that of a human's, but theirs are much more resilient and heal much more quickly. An Irken's muscular system has never been fully explored, however. Irken skin is hairless and green, with … See more
All Irkens are fitted with a hemispherical multipurpose device called a PAK, which is surgically attached to the upper back at birth and holds the … See more
The Irken diet seems to consist mainly of refined carbohydrates, and it is probable that Irkens gain all their nutrients from an Irken form of sugar; the Almighty Tallest constantly eat … See more
Irkens are known to be produced through DNA merging in underground facilities many fans refer to as "smeeteries" (a portmanteau of … See more
The details of the Irken inner anatomy are mostly unknown, except for their "Squeedlyspooch", which was mentioned throughout the series … See more
Text under CC-BY-SA licenseIrken Smeet | Invader ZIM Wiki | Fandom
Smeet is the term commonly used for Irken children and infants. It is assumed all modern smeets (with a notable, but short-lived exception) are created underground, in large unnamed facilities on their homeworld of Irk.
Irken - Invader ZIM Wiki | Fandom
Irkens are born in cloning facilities deep under Irk's surface, and have their PAK installed seconds after. Immediately after this, the baby Irken, or smeet, gets all existing knowledge in the Irken database downloaded into their brain, and …
Irken Smeet | Irken Empire Wiki | Fandom
Smeet is the term commonly used for Irken babies. Despite most modern smeets being born far beneath Irk's surface in artificial chambers, it is likely that the smeet in general has not …
Irken | Alien Species | Fandom
With the sweet smeet (Irken baby) still unconscious, a robotic arm surgically attaches 2 PAK plugs and the PAK itself on its back. Another arm electrocutes it for a second, activating both the PAK and the smeet.
Baby irken by QUEINVAZORNIQUEZIM2 on DeviantArt
May 8, 2017 · Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Literature. Submit your writing
Cynicreature - Edit of my baby @akazrial ‘s cute Irken pic.
Aug 21, 2019 · Edit of my baby @akazrial ‘s cute Irken pic #Lysairiel #art #artwork #digitalart #alien #aliens #invaderzim #zim #irken #irkenoc #irkeninvader #cartoon...
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Peters baby (1961) - I kirken - YouTube
Baby Kirken (unknown-1931) - Find a Grave Memorial
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