List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BMP-1 (Ob'yekt 765Sp2) – The standard production version weighs 13 tonnes. It was built from 1969 to 1973. Vehicles produced from the mid-1970s had a higher hull with more space inside as well as a different shaped nose section which also made it 20 cm longer, giving it an improved swimming capability.
BVP-1 (1971) - tank-afv.com
The BVP-1 (bojové vozidlo pěchoty or "Infantry Fighting Vehicle") was the Czechoslovak designation for the BMP-1, produced in Czechoslovalkia, with the second world's largest production of that type after USSR. The BVP-1 was coveted at exports due to its higher quality, despite a higher cost.
BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle that has been in service from 1966 to the present. BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty 1 (Russian: Боевая Машина Пехоты 1; БМП-1), meaning "infantry fighting vehicle, 1st serial model". [11] .
BVP-1 – Wikipedie
BVP-1 (Bojové vozidlo pěchoty) je v Československu licenčně vyráběné sovětské lehké bojové pásové vozidlo BMP-1. Vozidlo disponuje malou pancéřovou ochranou, vysokou pohyblivostí a mohutnou výzbrojí. Tvořilo základ motostřeleckých jednotek.
History: Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle BVP-1
This is a light combat amphibious tracked vehicle (known also under acronym BMP) with high manoeuvrability equipped with huge weaponry and armoured protection. Its capabilities increase the firepower and movement operations of mechanised units even if …
BMP-1 – Wikipédia
Československé BVP-1 s vysunutým vlnolamom v múzeu RAF. BMP-1 je bojové vozidlo pechoty so sériovým označením 1. BMP tvorí základ motostreleckých jednotiek mnohých štátov východnej a strednej Európy.
Soviet BMP-1 IFV (1965) - tank-afv.com
BMP-1s were used by Angolan and Cuban units against South African forces. More than 300 light AFVs of various types were delivered to Angola in 1975-1976 and proved themselves quite useful. A few Czech BVP-1 "Strop" SPAAG has been also …
CZK - BVP-1 : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Slovak Republic …
Soviet infantry fighting vehicle BMP-1 produced under Czechoslovak license. The BVP-1 is an amphibious tracked combat vehicle designed to increase the mobility and firepower of motorized units and to destroy armored targets and enemy live fire.
Pansarbandvagn 501 - Tank Encyclopedia
Apr 3, 2023 · The Soviet BMP-1 was and remains a ubiquitous infantry fighting vehicle. The most produced vehicle of its type to this day, with almost 40,000 assembled by the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War, the vehicle was, with a few exceptions, fielded by pretty much all of the Soviet Union’s allies.
BVP-1 - Armed Assault Wiki
The BVP-1 is a Czechoslovak, amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle based on the Soviet BMP-1, the world's first mass-produced infantry fighting vehicle. It is armed with a 73 mm low-pressure smoothbore short-recoil semi-automatic gun, 7.62 mm coaxial machinegun and a Malyutka guided missile launcher.