P115D BMW Code Meaning, Causes, Symptoms, & Tech Notes - Engine-Codes.com
Sep 30, 2020 · The P115D BMW code indicates that the Mass or Volume Air Flow 'A' Air Mass is too high compared to the model's specifications. This means that the amount of air entering the engine is higher than what is expected, which can disrupt the air-fuel mixture ratio and affect the engine's performance.
EGR system problems? fault code 290900 or P115d - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Jun 2, 2021 · I have problems with my BMW F34 318d N47 engine. 290900 - Air system, Air to Egr mass flow, plausibility : measured air mass compared with calculated air mass too high. Last year was replaced the egr valve, egr cooler, dpf was cleaned, lambda sensor changed, intake manifold flaps changed and cleaned.
P115D Code BMW: Meaning, Causes, Symptoms and Fixes
The BMW P115D code is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that indicates a problem with the oxygen sensor control system in BMW vehicles. Specifically, it means that the mass or volume air flow ‘A’ air mass is too high compared to the model.
P115D BMW Code - Mass Or Volume Air Flow 'A' Air Mass Too
Sep 30, 2020 · Code P115D BMW Description. The mass airflow must lie within a valid range during all engine operating conditions. The diagnostic function compares the air mass calculated from the model with the measured air mass.
P115D - Error code - Assistance | BimmerFest BMW Forum
May 11, 2023 · I keep getting the error code P115D- I cleaned the MAF sensor - didnt work - so i bought a new sensor - the error code still comes up. I checked the hose going towards the sensors, i cant feel any leaks.
P115d fault code - BIMMERPOST
Apr 14, 2016 · My 2011 535xi has codes p115d, p112f, p306d. Just had the fuel pump recall taken care of, the codes are still showing. Hesitant if I should buy a new MAF sensor...
Avería - Fallo p115d,me pone permanente, | BMW FAQ Club
Jul 25, 2018 · Bmw 320d GT f34. Buenas dias!!! Tengo el cable y el programa pero no se programar el caudalimetro nuevo, alguien de la zona de Valladolid que me exe una mano o sabeis de algun tutorial del youtube q te lo explique, un saludo y gracias de antemano ... Hola buenas, siguiendo el hilo por que a mi me salió ese fallo P115D hace unos días también ...
BMW F31 330D - P0101 & P115D error codes - BIMMERPOST
Jul 9, 2018 · p115d Only seems to flag up when under load Replaced with a new Hatachi MAF sensor and new air filter and all good for a few days and then same error code again with engine light back up.
P115D BMW - Mass Air Flow Or Volume Air Flow Too High For …
Apr 8, 2021 · How to fix BMW code P115D? Start by checking the “possible causes” listed above. Visually inspect the wiring harness and its corresponding connectors. Look for damaged components and look for broken, bent, pushed in, or corroded connector pins.
Code erreur P115D - 318D serie 3 GT 2014 - Bmw-serie3.com
Jul 3, 2020 · 1 semaine et quelques kilométrés après j'ai un voyant moteur jaune avec l'erreur P115D. J'ai cherché un peu sur le net et voici la description de l'erreur : Débitmètre d'air massique/débitmètre d'air volumique A - signal incorrect.