BMI Calculator
BMI is a measurement of a person's leanness or corpulence based on their height and weight, and is intended to quantify tissue mass. It is widely used as a general indicator of whether a person has a healthy body weight for their height.
Geriatric BMI Calculator | BMI Calculator for Seniors
Aug 20, 2024 · We will calculate BMI for 70-year-old Audrey, who is 162 cm tall and weighs 70 kilograms. Our BMI calculator for seniors displays the result according to categories for BMI for seniors: Audrey has a healthy weight. The geriatric BMI calculator is designed for older individuals over 65 years of age.
BMI Calculator Body Mass Index
Oct 22, 2023 · Calculate your BMI and find the BMI weight category for your height. The calculator also finds the normal weight range given your height. Calculate BMI with weight in pounds, stones or kilograms. Enter height in inches, feet and inches, meters or centimeters. Divide weight by height squared to find BMI.
Soplar BMU 70E Blow Moulding Machine Operating Instructions Water ...
This document provides operating instructions for the water-cooled stripper plate used in the Soplar BMU 70E blow moulding machine. It details the operational procedures for the cooling system, including how to drain the stripper plate and the requirements for personnel involved in the mounting and operation of the cooling system.
BMU’s are designed to provide safe and reliable access for high-rise buildings over 490 feet tall or for buildings with unique architectural features with difficult to access
Building Maintenance Units (BMUs) : Tractel US
Tractel ® BMUs provide a complete automated system to access exterior building facades. Access to the platform is at the roof level and does not require the operator to assemble or dismantle or manually move equipment.
Building Maintenance Unit Suppliers (BMU's) | View Now - Tractel
Here at Tractel® our building maintenance units (BMU's) provide a complete automated system for long term exterior building facade access. Access to the platform is at the roof level and does not require the operator to assemble or dismantle or manually move equipment.
A Building Maintenance Unit – BMU – is a mechanical and electronic crane suspended from the roof, which moves systematically over a structure while carrying human window washers or any other specialist for the maintenance of the facade.
BMU Series Flush Ground Angular Contact Ball Bearings Flush Ground Type Machined Brass Cage Any combination of NACHI Flush Ground Angular Contact Ball Bearings will provide the desired clearance. With the Universal Flush Grinding, bearings can be mounted as DB, DF, and DT pairs, or combined to form triplex and quadraplex sets. Offices NACHI ...
Building Maintenance Units (BMU) Operations and the Work …
Jun 7, 2020 · Building Maintenance Units (BMU) is the ultimate appropriate system to cover the whole perimeter of a high-rise or multi-stories buildings.