Does (111) Plane in BCC Cut Center Atom? - Physics Forums
Oct 6, 2011 · (111) plane in BCC does not cut the center atom. But i do some geometry and i come about that the perpendicular distance from the center of that atom to the (111) plane is 2/3 of the radius of atom. So from my point of view it should cut the atom (since the distance is less than the radius of the atom).
Calculating Planar Density for FCC {100}, {110}, {111} - Physics …
Oct 28, 2006 · The [111] plane is a plane that touches the three far corners of the unit cell and it looks like a triangle. There are then a total 1/6*3 atoms that make up the vertices of the triangle and there are a total of 1/2*3 atoms that make up the three edges of the triangle. So you have a net total of 2 atoms inside the triangle.
Planar Concentration of Nb Atoms in BCC Crystal - Physics Forums
Sep 8, 2008 · Homework Statement Niobium Nb has the BCC crystal with a lattice parameter of a= .3294 nm Find the planar concentrations of atoms per m^2 of the (100, (110) and (111) planes. The 100 plane has 1 atom on the plane (1/4 times 4) …
What Is the Distance Between Adjacent Atoms in BCC [111] …
Jan 17, 2009 · I came up with this by assuming that atoms touch each other in the [111] direction in a BCC structure. In this direction [111] there is one atom that goes through the (1/2,1/2,1/2) position and half an atom at the origin and half an atom at the (1,1,1) position summing to 4 half's of an atom in length. using the answer 4R I got the lattice ...
Calculate Surface Density for SC, BCC & FCC Crystals - Physics …
Jan 23, 2012 · Calculate the surface density of atoms on (111) and (110) planes for the following crystal structure. a) simple cubic, b) body-centered cubic, c)face-centered cubic. Assume the lattice constant is x. Homework Equations well, from reading my lecture notes the general formula for surface density is (#atoms/cm2) .
Why Are {111} Planes the Primary Slip Systems in Face Centered …
Sep 24, 2008 · Slip can occur on other planes, but it's especially easy for a dislocation to move in the close-packed direction along a close-packed plane. For fcc crystals, this means {111}<110>. For bcc, it's {110}<111> (the close-packed direction on the closest-packed plane--there is no perfectly close-packed plane in bcc).
Unit Cell - Linear Density - BCC & FCC - Physics Forums
Oct 12, 2010 · In BCC, the close-packed planes are the {110} planes, and the close-packed directions are the <111> In FCC, the close-packed planes are the {111} planes, and the close-packed directions are the <110> direction
Atom Density in Silicon (100), (110), and (111) Planes - Physics …
Sep 28, 2015 · For the (100), (110), and (111) planes of a Silicon crystal sketch the placement of atoms on the plane and determine the atom density (atoms/cm^2) on the plane. Homework Equations As of now I think the only relavent equation would be the atom density which is: Atoms per unit cell / (area of the square = Atoms per unit cell/a^2
Proving Greatest Density of Points in {111} & {110} Planes
Feb 20, 2015 · Prove that the lattice planes with the greatest densities of points are the {111} planes in a fcc bravis lattice and the {110} planes in a bcc bravis lattice. Homework Equations d/v=points per unit area where d is the spacing of planes and v is the unit volume. The Attempt at a Solution In the fcc case [tex] d=\frac{2\pi}{hb_1+kb_2+lb_3}\\
MD simulation of crystal oriented along 110, 111 planes - Physics …
Apr 9, 2010 · My problem is that I have to study the system for different orientations of the crystal i.e. (100) plane, (110) plane and (111) planes. For (100), the initial configurations is simple. However, I would like to know, how I can create an initial configuration where the crystal is oriented along (110) plane or (111) plane?