Does (111) Plane in BCC Cut Center Atom? - Physics Forums
Oct 6, 2011 · (111) plane in BCC does not cut the center atom. But i do some geometry and i come about that the perpendicular distance from the center of that atom to the (111) plane is …
Calculating Planar Density for FCC {100}, {110}, {111} - Physics …
Oct 28, 2006 · The [111] plane is a plane that touches the three far corners of the unit cell and it looks like a triangle. There are then a total 1/6*3 atoms that make up the vertices of the …
Planar Concentration of Nb Atoms in BCC Crystal - Physics Forums
Sep 8, 2008 · Homework Statement Niobium Nb has the BCC crystal with a lattice parameter of a= .3294 nm Find the planar concentrations of atoms per m^2 of the (100, (110) and (111) …
What Is the Distance Between Adjacent Atoms in BCC [111] …
Jan 17, 2009 · I came up with this by assuming that atoms touch each other in the [111] direction in a BCC structure. In this direction [111] there is one atom that goes through the (1/2,1/2,1/2) …
Calculate Surface Density for SC, BCC & FCC Crystals - Physics …
Jan 23, 2012 · Calculate the surface density of atoms on (111) and (110) planes for the following crystal structure. a) simple cubic, b) body-centered cubic, c)face-centered cubic. Assume the …
Why Are {111} Planes the Primary Slip Systems in Face Centered …
Sep 24, 2008 · Slip can occur on other planes, but it's especially easy for a dislocation to move in the close-packed direction along a close-packed plane. For fcc crystals, this means …
Unit Cell - Linear Density - BCC & FCC - Physics Forums
Oct 12, 2010 · In BCC, the close-packed planes are the {110} planes, and the close-packed directions are the <111> In FCC, the close-packed planes are the {111} planes, and the close …
Atom Density in Silicon (100), (110), and (111) Planes - Physics …
Sep 28, 2015 · For the (100), (110), and (111) planes of a Silicon crystal sketch the placement of atoms on the plane and determine the atom density (atoms/cm^2) on the plane. Homework …
Proving Greatest Density of Points in {111} & {110} Planes
Feb 20, 2015 · Prove that the lattice planes with the greatest densities of points are the {111} planes in a fcc bravis lattice and the {110} planes in a bcc bravis lattice. Homework Equations …
MD simulation of crystal oriented along 110, 111 planes - Physics …
Apr 9, 2010 · My problem is that I have to study the system for different orientations of the crystal i.e. (100) plane, (110) plane and (111) planes. For (100), the initial configurations is simple. …