BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ: How can I choose? I’m so confused!
Although closely related, BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ are not identical. Known genetic differences between these two substrains include at least three mutations in the BALB/cByJ strain: 1) Acadsdel-J (acyl-Coenzyme A dehydrogenase, short chain) and 2) …
001026 - Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
001026 BALB/cByJ Mice of this substrain of BALB/c, among other differences, have better reproductive performance and less aggression than mice of the BALB/cJ substrain (Stock No. 000651 ).
000651 - BALBc Strain Details - The Jackson Laboratory
Key traits include a susceptibility to developing the demyelinating disease upon infection with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus. The BALB/cJ substrain is susceptible to Listeria , all species of Leishmania , and several species of Trypanosoma , but is resistant to experimental allergic orchitis (EAO).
BALB/c - Wikipedia
BALB/c is an albino, laboratory-bred strain of the house mouse from which a number of common substrains are derived. Now over 200 generations from New York in 1920, BALB/c mice are distributed globally, and are among the most widely used inbred strains used in animal experimentation .
Allelic variants between mouse substrains BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ ...
In our survey of mononuclear CM content across inbred mouse strains 9, we observed a surprising discrepancy between the sister strains BALB/cJ (5.9% mononuclear CM) and BALB/cByJ (14.0%) (both values are slightly higher in the …
BALB/cJ vs. BALB/cByJ - The Jackson Laboratory
Learn about the differences between the BALB/cJ and BALB/cByJ substrains, including the performance of the two substrains in ascites production.
BALB/cByJ mice are widely used in different fields - Maze Engineers
Nov 24, 2018 · As a general purpose mouse model, the BALB/cByJ strain finds a broad range of research applications, including in studies of mammary cancer, autoimmunity, callosal agenesis, hearing defects, and immunology. BALB/cByJ mice are also frequently used for the generation of monoclonal antibodies. [1]
BALB/cByJ Strain Detail MGI Mouse MGI:2159771 - The Jackson …
View mouse strain BALB/cByJ : mutations, QTL, phenotypes, diseases, and references.
MGI - Inbred Strains: BALB - The Jackson Laboratory
Following administration of murine cytomegalovirus, BALB/c, BALB.B, and BALB.K mice develop persistent myocarditis regardless of age at infection, and age-related cardiopathy is frequent and severe in infected and uninfected mice (contrast C57BL/10 and C3H) (Price et al 1991).
BALB/cByJ mouse (JAX™), BALB/cByJ - Animalab
Nomenclature: BALB/cByJ. Type: Inbred mice. Origin: The BALB/cBy mouse was developed by D.W. Bailey in 1962 from a BALB/cAnN strain that had been selected by MacDowell in 1922 from the outbred “Bagg Albino” strain. It was introduced into Charles River Laboratories France in May 1982 at its F156 generation, in the form of a few PIPS ...