The B-Toolkit - Michigan State University
The B-Toolkit comprises a suite of fully integrated software tools designed to support a rigorous or formal development of software systems using the B-Method. The tools are accessed through …
B-Method - Wikipedia
The B-Toolkit [13] [14] is a collection of programming tools designed to support the use of the B-Tool, [15] is a set theory-based mathematical interpreter, for the purposes of supporting the B …
The BToolkit, a toolkit supporting software development with the B …
The B-Toolkit supports the B-method over the entire software process and comprises a large suite of tools which can run automatically or interactively. The tool supports the incremental …
The B-Method - Michigan State University
The B-Method prescribes how to check the specification for consistency (preservation of invariant) and how to check designs and implementations for correctness (correctness of data …
The VHDL SLIB System Library - sens.cse.msu.edu
The VHDL B-Toolkit is supplied with a set of reusable machines which encapsulate basic state and data-structures, and provide basic abstract types. The Role of the System Library Static …
The B-Toolkit is a configuration management tool that provides the following facilities: introduction of new machines syntax and type analysis animation of specifications generation …
B-Toolkit - Technology Dictionary
A set of software tools designed to support a rigorous or formal development of software systems using the B-Method. The Toolkit also provides a development environment automating the …
The B Toolkit is a configuration tool that manages developments under the B Method, generating proof obligations and supporting tools for the discharge of those proof obligations.
BToolkit/BHELP/Index.html at master - GitHub
The BToolkit, a toolkit supporting software development with the B-method. - edwardcrichton/BToolkit
The B-Toolkit is a suite of integrated programs which implement the B-Method for Software Development. The B-Method is a collection of mathematical based
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