Baba Vanga - Wikipedia
Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova (née Surcheva; Bulgarian: Вангелия Пандева Гущерова, née Сурчева, [vɐnˈɡɛlijɐ ˈpɑndevɐ ɡuˈʃtɛrovɐ (ˈsurt͡ʃevɐ)]; 3 October 1911 – 11 August 1996), commonly known as Baba Vanga (Bulgarian: Баба Ванга, lit.
Baba Vanga – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Trước khi qua đời vào năm 1996, nhà nữ tiên tri huyền thoại người Bulgaria Vanga trăn trối lại là sau vài năm sẽ xuất hiện người kế tục bà với những khả năng tiên tri đặc biệt hệt như bà.
Baba Vanga: Which of her predictions came true?
One popular story circulated about Baba Vanga is that she accurately predicted the date of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s death. This has been debunked by some commentators, but it seems she did predict her own death date.
Nhà tiên tri Vanga và những dự đoán về các thảm họa
Jan 9, 2025 · Những tiên đoán nổi tiếng gắn liền với tên tuổi của bà Vanga 1. Tàu ngầm Krusk. Đúng 20 năm trước khi thảm kịch xảy ra, vào năm 1980, Vanga đã tiên tri rằng: "Cuối thế kỷ này, vào tháng 8/1999 hoặc 2000, Kursk sẽ chìm dưới nước, và cả thế giới sẽ than khóc vì nó". Ngày ...
The Truth About Baba Vanga, The 'Nostradamus Of The Balkans'
Feb 3, 2023 · Baba Vanga wasn't born blind, but by all accounts lost her sight in a freak accident in childhood. In 1925, she attended a school for the blind in Zemun, where she learned Braille. Unlike Nostradamus, though, she didn't write any of her visions down.
Baba Vanga, The Blind Mystic Who Allegedly Predicted The Future
Apr 6, 2022 · Known as Baba Vanga, Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova was a Bulgarian mystic who claimed she could see the future and reportedly predicted the rise of Vladimir Putin. Baba Vanga reportedly lost her eyesight as a child in a freak storm — and gained the gift of prophecy.
50 Facts About Baba Vanga
Dec 6, 2024 · Discover 50 intriguing facts about Baba Vanga, the blind Bulgarian mystic known for her prophecies and healing powers. Unveil her life and legacy. Turn Your Curiosity Into Discovery
Baba Vanga: The Bulgarian Mystic Who Predicted 9/11, Brexit and …
Feb 15, 2023 · Here are 10 facts about the life of the mystic Baba Vanga. 1. She was blind since childhood. Baba Vanga was born in Strumica, a small town in modern-day North Macedonia. She lost her sight aged 12 after, in her words, a ‘tornado’ …
Baba Vanga's predictions for 2025: Complete list and the ones …
Jan 16, 2025 · Baba Vanga, the Bulgarian mystic, left a legacy of predictions spanning from 2025 to 5079. These prophecies range from a sparsely populated Europe and new energy sources to Martian colonies and ...
Who Was Baba Vanga, The Blind Bulgarian Mystic? - History Defined
Baba Vanga, or Vangeliya Pandeva Surcheva, was a blind Bulgarian girl with a gift of foresight. During her childhood years and adulthood, Vanga faced many difficulties. However, she came out strong from each one and developed a unique determination to be of service to others.