Ayin | Library Of Ruina Wiki | Fandom
Ayin (아인, Ain), occasionally referred to as A, was a researcher and subsequent leader of the Seed of Light project after Carmen's death, later one of the masterminds behind the Smoke War, the founder of Lobotomy Corporation, and Angela's creator along with Benjamin.
艾因 - 废墟图书馆 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰诺网络科技有限公司
Ayin是前作脑叶公司的主要角色之一。Carmen(C,卡门)是Ayin的同僚&恋人(存疑);Benjamin(B,后来的Hokma)是Ayin的追随者&同僚;且Ayin参与制作了违反都市规则的安吉拉。 经历. 以下内容搬运自Lobotomy Fandom 英文Wiki。 注意,以下内容存在剧透。
A Serious Question on who is actually the bad guy in this game ... - Reddit
Feb 22, 2023 · Carmen albeit a very charismatic happy fragile character on another perspective she manipulated people to join her and in result unintentionally burdened Ayin after her depressive + suicidal moments.
A Y I N : r/libraryofruina - Reddit
Apr 23, 2024 · Ayin IS a bad person, and that is what makes him a GREAT character. He is one of the most profound, complicated and human characters I’ve ever seen in anything which is why in my own way I love him to death, and can’t help but …
Ayin | Hazbin Hotel: Dawn of the Darkness Wiki | Fandom
Ayin, also known as The Anti-God, is the overarching antagonist of Hazbin Hotel: Dawn of the Darkness. She is the sister and evil-counterpart of God, the embodiment of darkness, as well as antimatter, evil, impurity, and chaos.
Adrien Broner - Wikipedia
Adrien Jerome Broner (/ ˈbroʊnər /; born July 28, 1989) is an American professional boxer.
只谈一谈迄今为止A从研究所到脑叶公司的一路经历,与个人解析向的对A心路历程的探究,旨在理解A的行为与逻辑,与构成这一切背后的因果。 之前在贴吧的回复里也零散地写过一些分析,这次索性将我以往的看法与观点做一个整合。 我将A的人生经历按照重要节点做以划分,分为三个阶段。 由C主导的研究所时期,由A主导的研究所时期以及脑叶时期。 接下来我将慢慢从这三块内容开始讲述。 由C主导的研究所时期。 谈A之前我想先聊聊C,C对A的影响之深一直贯穿了他整个 …
Ayin - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
Ayin 是由 ProjectMoon 所制作的游戏《脑叶公司》及其衍生作品的登场角色。 在脑叶公司中,Ayin作为剧情中的配角出现,在Day50玩家将可以见到Ayin的真实样貌。 曾经,Ayin以“无限能源技术”而创建脑叶公司,名义上是生产清洁能源但其实是进行所谓“光之种”计划。 在脑叶公司的众多分部中,其中一个特殊的分部就由Ayin与Angela及Sephirah们管理,秘密的进行光之种计划。 在创建脑叶公司之前,Ayin其实也在秘密进行此计划,但是由于种种原因而不得不创建脑叶公司以 …
10 reasons why Ayin did nothing wrong, was totally right, and ... - Reddit
Without Ayin, there would be no Lobotomy Corporation, Library of Ruina, Limbus Company, and no Project Moon, so Ayin did nothing wrong again. 4. Ayin made the dead people into cool robot things, so he made them better, meaning that he was right, and Ayin did nothing wrong.
艾因(游戏《脑叶公司》中的角色)_百度 ... - 百度百科