LD3 - AKE - AVE container specifications & IATA codes - DSV
Dimensions and IATA codes for LD3/AKE/AVE containers. ULD dimensions and weight measurements are subject to the conditions of the individual airline company.
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AviusULD: Global leader in ULD solutions with 50 years expertise. Serving 150+ airlines innovative, low-TCO cargo containers. 700,000+ ULDs delivered worldwide.
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日本で唯一の貨物専門航空会社。 豊富な実績とノウハウを活かし、輸送戦略のスペシャリストとしてハイクオリティの航空輸送サービスを展開しています。
LAD3/AKE/AVE Container - FREJA
LAD3/AKE/AVE Container Size and capacity of an LD3/AKE/AVE container. The unit load device (ULD) dimensions and weight measurements are subject to the conditions of the individual …
IATA Codes | ULD ID Codes - kkgloballlc.com
IATA Code: AVE/AKE. Internal Volume: 4.2 m 3 (150 ft 3) Max Gross: 1 587 kg (3 491 lb) Tare Weight: 82 kg (180 lb) or 270 kg (594 lb)(with security door) Internal Dimensions:
Conteneur LD3 / AVE - Asfoex
Les dimensions ULD et les mesures de poids sont soumises aux conditions de chaque compagnie aérienne. Avez-vous un besoin, un projet ? Nous sommes un partenaire …
ULDs - bl
A unit load device, or ULD, is a pallet or container used to load luggage, freight, and mail on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft. It allows large volumes of cargo to be bundled …
ULD Type LD3, AKE, DKE, MKE, QKE, RKE: Comprehensive …
May 11, 2023 · LD-3, AKE, DKE, MKE, QKE, RKE - Discover a comprehensive overview and detailed specifications of a versatile container used in aviation cargo management. Gain …
LD3 - AKE - AVE container specs & IATA codes | DSV
Dimensions and IATA codes for LD3/AKE/AVE containers. ULD dimensions and weight measurements are subject to the conditions of the individual airline company.
• IATA ULD code AAF contoured container on P1P base • Rate class: Type 5 • Description: Full-width lower hold container angled at both ends. Door is canvas with built-in net door straps. • …