AURICULAR Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of AURICULAR is told privately. How to use auricular in a sentence. told privately; understood or recognized by the sense of hearing; of, relating to, or using the ear or the sense …
AURICULAR | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
AURICULAR definition: 1. relating to the external part of the ear: 2. relating to an auricle (= upper space) in the…. Learn more.
AURICULAR | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
AURICULAR meaning: 1. relating to the external part of the ear: 2. relating to an auricle (= upper space) in the…. Learn more.
Auricle (anatomy) - Wikipedia
The developing auricle is first noticeable around the sixth week of gestation in the human fetus, developing from the auricular hillocks, which are derived from the first and second pharyngeal …
Auricular | definition of auricular by Medical dictionary
auricular adjective Referring to: (1) Atrial auricular. (2) Pinna of the ear. (3) Obsolete for atrial.
Auricular - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
Something that's auricular has to do with ears or hearing. An auricular message might be one you whisper into your friend's ear. You can use auricular to describe things that are shaped like an …
AURICULAR Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com
First recorded in 1535–45, auricular is from the Late Latin word auriculāris of, pertaining to the ear. See auricle,-ar 1
AURICULAR definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
AURICULAR definition: of, relating to, or received by the sense or organs of hearing ; aural | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Auricular - definition of auricular by The Free Dictionary
Define auricular. auricular synonyms, auricular pronunciation, auricular translation, English dictionary definition of auricular. adj. 1. Of or relating to the sense of hearing or the organs of …
What Does Auricular Mean? | Sounding Off on Definitions
Auricular Definition: Refers to anything related to the ear anatomy. Anatomical Significance: The auricle aids in sound localization and collection. Auricular Reflexes: Involuntary responses …