Atl cahualo. | Nahuatl Dictionary - Wired Humanities
The Atlcahualo (ceasing of water, rain), was the name of the first festival of the year. The ceremonies practiced at this time were meant to ensure the rains would come again. They …
Veintena 1: Atlcahualo - Arqueología Mexicana
Estaban dedicados principalmente a los tlaloques y los principales consistían en el levantamiento de estacas con papeles en distintas partes de las poblaciones y el sacrificio de niños. Éstos …
The Aztecs Months | Samael Gnosis
Atlcahualo; which means the cessation of the waters, or the “sementeras are not in need of water”. Its deity is Chalchitlicue, Goddess of Water or The One with the Jeweled Skirt.
Las fiestas de las veintenas | Arqueología Mexicana
Veintena 1: atlcahualo (ca. 26 de febrero- 17 de marzo). Los ritos estaban dedicados a los tlaloques. Veintena 2: tlacaxipehualiztli (ca. 18 de marzo-6 de abril). Asociada con Xipe Tótec. …
La fiesta de Atlcahualo y el paisaje ritual de la cuenca de México
La fiesta del Cerro Tláloc en iv Huey tozoztli y los sacrificios de niños de i Atlcahualo con sus siete lugares de culto en la Cuenca, constituyen uno de los raros ejemplos en los que la …
The Atlcahualo Festival and The Ritual Landscape of The Basin
This article discusses the Atlcahualo festival celebrated in the Mexica calendar and the ritual landscapes of the Valley of Mexico where related rituals took place.
Ancient Aztec Festivals, Celebrations and Holidays - Owlcation
Nov 22, 2023 · This festival was called Atlcahualo, which means 'the ceasing of water'. Human sacrifice was a part of the festival as children were taken to sacred mountaintops to be …
Atlcahualo: La Celebración del Agua y la Fertilidad
¿Qué es el Atlcahualo? R: Es una celebración prehispánica mesoamericana que marca el inicio del ciclo agrícola, enfocada en el agua y la fertilidad. ¿Cuál es la importancia del agua en esta …
God of the Month: Tlaloc (1) - Mexicolore
5 days ago · The first was called ‘Atlcahualo’ (see above, Pic 6) and was celebrated from the 12th of February until the 3rd of March. Dedicated to the Tlaloque, this ‘veintena’ involved the …
Dancing for Rain: The Rituals of the Atlcahualo Festival
Nov 10, 2024 · Explore the vibrant Atlcahualo Festival, where Aztec rituals celebrate rain and community. Discover the significance of Tlaloc and dance traditions!