ce.atsu.edu or mail payment and registration form to: A.T. Still University ATTN: Cecelia Sartor-Glittenberg Department of Physical Therapy 5850 E. Still Circle Mesa, AZ 85206 Registration fees (please check one) $220 $180 for ATSU alumni and for clinical instructors Check made out to ATSU No charge for mentors of ATSU neurologic residents
Register now at ce.atsu.edu! Join an interdisciplinary audience of dental and dental hygiene clinicians, academicians and researchers, dental and dental hygiene students, nurses, physicians and scientific and industry
CE office at 660.626.2232 or email your needs to [email protected]. Reasonable prior Faculty/Planning Committee disclosure In accordance with the Standards for Commercial Support, course directors, planning committees, faculty, and all others in control of the educational content of the CME activity must disclose all relevant financial
Course description and objectives This program is designed primarily for people interested in or involved with clinical education (clinical instructors [CIs], center coordinators of clinical
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Mechanisms of Knee Injury orthoptresidency.atsu.edu Implications for Evidence-based Rehabilitation, Injury Prevention, & Return to Sport Decisions
Friday, March 4 (7 credits of AOA Category 1-A CME credit OR 2 ADA CE credits) Location: VERSAILLES 1-2 7:00 a.m. Registration and Limited Continental Breakfast
CE Credit: Tuition: November 2, 2019 – Saturday 8:00am – 4:30pm – 1 hr lunch break on your own 5850 E. Still Circle, Cougar classroom, 3rd Fl. Dentist, Dental Hygienist Lecture, Hands-On 7 credits $385 Click HERE for online course registration. Course Description: Laser is changing the way dentistry is viewed and practiced.
American Physical Therapy Association / 3 3. A pop-up will appear asking whether you have previously taken CCIP Level 1 course. If you have not taken the Level 1 course, click “No” and it will let you begin your application
For more information and to view the ATSU-CE fee refund policy, visit ce.atsu.edu. For questions call ATSU Continuing Education at 660.626.2232 or email us at [email protected].