Right leg / left arm weakness, atrophy and twitching
Feb 27, 2025 · Yes, atrophy normally follows impairment, NfL is not diagnostic, tightness is not specific, and yes, contralateral arm/leg onset, especially in such a short period, would be unusual. It's hard to say if the earlier systemic symptoms relate or not, but there's a decent chance this is systemic rather than neurological.
Atrophy- What does it feel like? | ALS Support Community
Oct 7, 2008 · I have a question for anyone that has atrophy. What does it feel like? I have had issues with my right tricep. When i stretch my arm out it feels like it stays flexed for a moment after I relax. If i do an exercise like a dip, it hurts/burns immediatly. If I raise my arm over my head, the muscle kind of burns like it is tired.
Right arm atrophy - ALS Support Community
Jul 19, 2007 · Your husband's arm sounds suspiciously like mine, and the fact that I had an ulner nerve transplant back in 04 caused the ALS clinic to reserve judgement. I now have symptoms in my other limbs but not much atrophy so we are in a holding pattern. My right arm, though, is becoming useless.
Starting In the Hand / Forearm? - ALS Support Community
Jul 11, 2012 · No signs of defined atrophy, but have skinny arms to start with. Then, two days ago, started to get some minor visible twitching down left forearm and in left thumb. That is when rationality completely left the building. I don’t notice the burning sensations as much now as my focus in on my left arm/hand.
Atrophy + Fasciculations - ALS Support Community
Feb 22, 2019 · Atrophy usually follows weakness in ALS, but the greater point, to your question, is that when you've had weakness, it's gotten better. ALS doesn't do that. Flail arm has nothing to do with what you report, as it's a more proximal arm syndrome and the hallmark is wasting way beyond what you have.
Confusion over Active vs Chronic Denervation - ALS Support …
May 12, 2015 · I have had widespread fasiculations since October 2014 and I have noted atrophy in my intrinsic hand muscles and my forearm flexors on my left arm/hand. On my January EMG, it picked up just chronic denervation in a few muscles, primarily in the c7-c8 distribution. I was kind of shocked there was nothing active, especially with noted atrophy.
Shoulder pain and atrophy - symptoms continue - ALS Support …
Jul 26, 2022 · The skin is looser now , less bulk, skin flickers as I move my arm and the dent looks bigger - like a pit at front of shoulder. (where I experience the pain and discomfort) . Also bone protrudes more (acromion process) especially in the right shoulder. The GP did think there was atrophy but the neurologists weren't too concerned.
do i have als - ALS Support Community
Apr 16, 2019 · 36 y/o male with 1 grandparent diagnosed with ALS (at 73) and died at 75. 2.5 months ago had twitching every ~8 seconds in right arm. After a week it moved throughout body but was primarily in right arm. It went away for 2 weeks, …
Clear atrophy - clean emg. How? | ALS Support Community
May 16, 2013 · Seeing the atrophy of thigh and pain when I try to do exercise of any type such as walking combined with all my other symptoms makes it harder to believe how trusting this clean EMG can be. Any constructive opinions or comments will be greatly appreciated and I know nobody on here is a doctor and im NOT expecting a diagnosis from you but id ...
Symptoms since September 16... now atrophy - ALS Support …
Jan 21, 2018 · It started with numbness on the left side of the face combined with atrophy of the masseter muscle and tingling in the left arm at the beginning of September 2016. After a period of dizziness and blurred vision and a pop of dry swallowing, my arms and legs fell asleep, it tingled left leg and left arm and muscle weakness turned on.