Ardor3D is a free Java based, professionally oriented, open ... - GitHub
Ardor3D is a free Java based, professionally oriented, open source 3D graphics engine.
Ardor3D Overview - JogampWiki
Ardor3D is a professionally oriented, open source, Java based 3D engine for desktop (GNU Linux, Mac OS X, OpenIndiana, Windows) and mobile (Android) environments. The sub-project ardor3d-android was based on Android OpenGL ES .
Ardor3D FAQ - JogampWiki
Where can I find any examples using Ardor3D? Almost one hundred of basic examples within the sub-project ardor3d-examples; Ardor3D with WorldWind Java; A terrain implementation that uses USGS data; How to gather scene statistics such as triangle count, framerate, etc; The terrain; A first person shooter; Where can I report a bug in Ardor3D?
Releases · Renanse/Ardor3D - GitHub
Ardor3D is a free Java based, professionally oriented, open source 3D graphics engine.
JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation
Oct 21, 2024 · JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation forum. general-purpose, professionally oriented, open source, scenegraph based 3D Java engine for desktop and embedded environments
Ardor3D Tutorial - JogampWiki
JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation 1.0 official user's guide http://gouessej.wordpress.com/2014/11/22/ardor3d-est-mort-vive-jogamps-ardor3d-continuation-ardor3d-is-dead ...
Ardor3d API / User Documentation - Stack Overflow
Sep 12, 2014 · I'll publish a huge tutorial about JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation before the end of September with the detailed procedure to install it, build it and use it with Ant, Maven, Gradle, Eclipse, Netbeans and in command line.
Highlighted Changes in Ardor3D 1.5 - Renanse/Ardor3D GitHub …
The goal of version "1.5" of Ardor3D is to provide an OpenGL 3.3+ forward-compatible rendering engine, porting as many features of the “1.0” engine as possible. The MeshData class in Ardor3D provides a way to package together per-vertex data for a Mesh.
JogAmp's Ardor3D Continuation - JOGL / Ardor3D
Oct 19, 2011 · All demos of Ardor3D work properly with JOGL 2.0, there are only sometimes an exception when exiting because Ardor3D tries to make the context current whereas the window has already been destroyed. Julien Gouesse | Personal blog | Website
Ardor3D: 强大的Java 3D游戏引擎 - CSDN博客
Mar 17, 2024 · Ardor3D可用于制作各种类型的3D应用,包括桌面游戏、虚拟现实体验和移动应用等。 它的特性包括: 支持多种硬件平台,包括Windows、Mac OS X和Linux等。 可以渲染复杂的3D场景,并支持光照、纹理贴图和阴影效果等特效。 具有强大的动画系统,可实现角色动画和物体变形等效果。 提供了完整的物理模拟功能,支持碰撞检测、刚体动力学和流体模拟等。 内置完善的音频处理功能,支持声音播放、音效和音乐轨道管理等功能。 基于Java语言编写,跨平 …
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