AQI Basics | AirNow.gov
When AQI values are above 100, air quality is unhealthy: at first for certain sensitive groups of people, then for everyone as AQI values get higher. The AQI is divided into six categories. Each category corresponds to a different level of health concern.
Air Quality Index - American Lung Association
Sep 18, 2024 · AQI values at or below 100 are considered satisfactory for almost everyone. When AQI values are above 100, air quality is unhealthy. The higher the number, the more people are at risk of health harm.
Air Quality Index Scale and Color Legend - aqicn.org
The table below defines the Air Quality Index scale as defined by the US-EPA 2016 standard:
Air Quality Index Report | US EPA - U.S. Environmental …
Jan 13, 2025 · This report provides Air Quality Index annual summary information, including maximum AQI values and the count of days in each AQI category. Read more about what's in this report. Use the query tool below to get AQI reports for one state, county, or CBSA at a time.
Air Quality Index (AQI) | AirNow.gov
Every day the Air Quality Index (AQI) tells you how clean or polluted your outdoor air is, along with associated health effects that may be of concern. Local air quality affects how you live and breathe. Like the weather, it can change from day to day or even hour to hour.
Air quality index - Wikipedia
An air quality index (AQI) is an indicator developed by government agencies [1] to communicate to the public how polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become. [ 2 ] [ 3 ] As air pollution levels rise, so does the AQI, along with the associated public health risk.
What is the air quality index (AQI)? | IQAir
Aug 4, 2018 · The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a measurement of air pollutant concentrations in ambient air pollution and their associated health risks. Air pollutants measured in AQI. There are six air pollutants measured in the index formula, including: PM2.5; PM10; carbon monoxide; sulfur dioxide; nitrogen dioxide; ground-level ozone
AQI Explained - Georgia Air Monitoring
To protect public health, the EPA has set an AQI value of 100 to correspond to the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for the following criteria pollutants: Ozone (O 3), Sulfur Dioxide (SO 2), Carbon Monoxide (CO), Particulate Matter 10 (PM 10), Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM 2.5), and Nitrogen Dioxide (NO 2).
Figure 14: Air Quality Index (AQI) levels of health concern. - US …
This color-coded table shows generically how AQI values correlate with levels of health concern. For a copy of this AQI table, download the booklet, "Air Quality Index - A Guide to Air Quality and Your Health," that explains the AQI and the health effects of major air pollutants, at https://www.epa.gov/airnow/aqi_brochure_08-09.pdf .
AQI Calculator | AirNow.gov
AQI to Concentration Calculator. DIRECTIONS: Select a pollutant, then enter the AQI value. Click on “Calculate” to see the results.