android - Enter "Enter key" in Appium Testing - Stack Overflow
Aug 8, 2017 · How to send/press Enter key from soft keyboard in Appium in Android Automation testing? I tried several options, but none of them are working - instead of pressing the key, they are clearing the text entered in text area. Below is the code (in JAVA Language):
Unable to create new remote session. Appium - Stack Overflow
I hope you are using an Physical Device and not an emulator. In both cases we need to mention either the browser or app file details in the desired capabilities. I assume that you haven't mentioned those things in code as well as in Appium GUI. Below is the sample code for testing for testing an hybrid apk using appium.
Appium-移动端自动测试框架,如何入门? - 知乎
Appium是一个开源跨平台移动应用自动化测试框架。 既然只是想学习下Appium如何入门,那么我们就直奔主题。文章结构如下: 1、为什么要使用Appium? 2、如何搭建Appium工具环境?(超详细) 3、通过demo演示Appium的使用 4、Appium如何实现移动端UI自动化测试呢?
Appium Android How to tap using the TEXT value - Stack Overflow
Jan 31, 2018 · In xPath 2 if you use Appium inspector with python you can use //*[contains(@text, 'Song Name')] that will only search for the text that contains the song name and it doesn't have to be exact same value. example :
How to deal with datepicker in Appium Android - Stack Overflow
May 1, 2015 · My android application is using datepicker but i am not able to select date through datepicker. I used following code in application for datepicker but it does not work. List<WebElement> pic...
How to scroll down to click the element in Android using appium …
I would like to know how to scroll down to click the element in Android using appium and java? I am having a list of elements inside " android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView ". Since it has more than 10 elements, we need to swipe the screen to see the below elements.
'appium' is not recognized as an internal or external command, …
Apr 2, 2015 · System Windows_NT 6.2.9200 gyp ERR! command "node" "C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node_modules\\npm\\node_modu les\\node-gyp\\bin\\node-gyp.js" "rebuild" ERR! cwd C:\Users\Gideon\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\appium\node_modules\w s\node_modules\bufferutil gyp ERR! node -v v0.10.35 gyp ERR! node-gyp -v v1.0.1 gyp ERR! …
How to tap and hold (Long press) using appium for Android?
Mar 27, 2015 · Once you have identified the pageElement you want to longPress on. //pageElement editPreferenceButton = driver.whatever //code for waiting for display of element waitForDisplayed(editPreferenceButton, 10) //this line is not required, keeping it here for easy readability MobileElement longpress = editPreferenceButton; //use the below code, it will do …
How to install and run appium in linux? - Stack Overflow
Sep 1, 2014 · ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'appium' (yes I have appium, adk, and appium-python-client) Hot Network Questions Hitting a tuning fork at a non-natural frequency
How to integrate Appium with C#? - Stack Overflow
Feb 20, 2015 · 5) Now download Appium and open the Appium.exe. 6) Appium window -> In Android setting (first button) , check on "Use Browser" option and select "Browser" as an option. 7) Start the appium node server (play button at the top). 8) now run the test from the visual studio and you will see website opening in the browser of phone.