Form SSA-561 | Request for Reconsideration | Social Security …
Request a disability reconsideration: If you applied for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits and were denied for medical reasons, you may request an appeal online.
Form SSA-3441 | Disability Report - Appeal
If you applied for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) disability benefits and were denied for medical reasons, you may request an appeal online. Appeal Our Recent Medical Decision. If you do not wish to appeal online, you should submit: Form SSA-3441, Disability Report - Appeal;
Appeals Process | Understanding SSI | SSA
You may write to us or complete a Form SSA-789 (Request for Reconsideration Disability Cessation). You or your representative must ask in writing for a request for reconsideration within 60 days after the date you receive the written notice of the initial determination.
Appeal a decision we made | SSA
If you don't agree with a decision we made, follow the process to request a change. You have four opportunities to appeal our decision You may not have to go through all the appeal levels.
Now that you picked the kind of appeal that fits your case, fill out this form or we'll help you fill it out. You can have a lawyer, friend, or someone else help you with your appeal.
www.ssa.gov/disability/appeal. If you complete this report on paper: • Print or write clearly. • Include a ZIP or postal code with each address. • Provide complete phone numbers, including area code. If a phone number is outside the United States, also provide International Direct Dialing (IDD) code and country code.
Form HA-520 | Request for Review of Hearing Decision/Order
If you do not agree with the decision or order of an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) on your claim, you may ask the Appeals Council (AC) to review the ALJ's action. The notice you received will tell you how to appeal the ALJ's decision or order.
Social Security Forms | SSA
All forms are FREE. Not all forms are listed. If you can't find the form you need, or you need help completing a form, please call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or contact your local Social Security office and we will help you.
REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF HEARING DECISION/ORDER (Do not use this form for objecting to a recommended decision.) See Privacy Act (Either mail the signed original form to the Appeals Council at the address shown below, or take or mail the Notice . signed original to your local Social Security office, the Department of Veterans Affairs Regional Office in
Request reconsideration | SSA
Fill out Request for Reconsideration (PDF). Then, find the Social Security office closest to your home and fax or mail us the completed form.
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