(SPOILERS) Theory/Speculation on origins of animus magic and …
Jul 11, 2021 · That the gift of animus magic is incredibly rare, perhaps no more than single digits of animus dragons are born in an entire century. And what's the other fact we can point to? It's inherited, passed from mother to daughter, from father to son. And all of the animi in the WoF series can trace their ancestry back to the IceWings, more on that later.
The Origin of Animus Magic : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit
Apr 17, 2023 · A pureblood AnimusWing always has animus magic, meaning if they were to intermingle with another tribe, there's a chance that animus magic would be given to the dragonet. Hence why animus magic is genetic. The IceWings were forced to flee Pyxeria, keeping the animi that they had close. They landed in what is now known as the Ice Kingdom.
What is animus magic, and why do the SeaWings have it?
Oct 4, 2020 · Everyone has an A chromosome, but only non animus have an N chromosome, meaning animus can only give A chromosomes. The dragonet will take a second chromosome from the parent with the dominant traits, similar to real life. This makes it to where Animus magic both is extremely rare, but stays in the biological family.
Theory/headcannon about animus magic : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit
Jul 22, 2023 · Other magic worlds tend to have some extremely powerful spells or magic users which could easily rival anything we’ve seen from animus magic, but those tend to require super complicated spell work (runes, powerful wand, words, etc), which isn’t a requirement in wof, and/or a really powerful mage (with a strong connection to that world’s ...
I have some questions about animus magic... : r/WingsOfFire
Jul 14, 2020 · I feel like there are loopholes to animus magic like saying “ I enchant this dragon to be able to bring back the dead” or “ I enchant this dragon to have powers similar to animus magic, except much more powerful” which could potentially make it so that you could do thing you couldn’t regularly do with animus magic.
Sensing Animus Magic and a Possible Theory : r/WingsOfFire
Feb 17, 2023 · Winter, (and probably the rest of the Royal Icewing Line), can feel the presence of powerful animus magic and animus magicked objects (such as a torn piece from Darkstalker's scroll), Winter describes it as this in Winter Turning: "He'd felt something strange like this once before- at the tunnels in the rainforest, where magic had made the ...
Is animus magic gone forever? : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit
Jun 11, 2022 · Canonically Animus magic is definitely coming back but the real question is if tui would do it narratively. If we get an arc 4 and it follows the next generation (cliff, auklet, bumblebee, etc.) then it's probably too soon in the timeline to reintroduce it.
I have a question about Anemone and her magic : r/WingsOfFire
Aug 13, 2022 · she can, animus magic can be passed down from dragons who don’t have it. whiteout wasn’t an animus but stonemover (her great-great-great-something-grandson) is. so even though anemone wasn’t born an animus, and even if she’d never been enchanted to become one, she’d still be able to pass it down since it’s in her family
WoF What if..? Scenarios. Hit me with ‘em, guys : r/WingsOfFire
About the IceWing animus thing, I personally think Snowfox after becoming queen had a Witch Trials moment and had most of the animus-gene-carriers (or most of the family on the whole) put on trial and either executed or exiled. Her and Snowfox probably would have had an adopted child, so they wouldn’t have the gene.
Animus Magic? (Spoilers) : r/WingsOfFire - Reddit
Jun 4, 2024 · Jerboa enchanted a wine glass to make Animus magic vanish away from all current Animus magic users when shattered, and then shattered it. In other words, Jerboa used magic to make magic disappear Reply reply