AN/SPG-49 - Radartutorial
AN/SPG-49 was operating in C-band fire control radar for the U.S. Navy’s RIM-8 Talos shipboard air defense systems. It used a three-gimbal system – azimuth, elevation, and traverse – which allowed scanning and tracking throughout the hemisphere.
SPG-49 Tracking Radar - okieboat.com
The USS Oklahoma City carried two SPG-49 tracking radars for the Talos missile system. They were part of the Mk 77 Missile Fire Control System. The main component of the tracking radars was the AN/SPG-49 antenna.
AN/SPS-49 - Wikipedia
The AN/SPS-49 is a United States Navy two-dimensional, long range air search radar built by Raytheon that can provide contact bearing and range.
USS Oklahoma City CAD Model Radars and Directors
AN/SPG-49 Two SPG-49 missile tracking radar antennas were mounted on the after superstructure at about 77 and 92 feet above sea level. I worked from photos and sketches to create this model of the AN/SPG-49.
AN/SPG-49 Target Tracking Radar - Shipbucket Wiki
The AN/SPG-49 is an guidance radar developed for use with the RIM-8 Talos missile. It was part of the Mk 77 Talos FCS. This radar was first deployed on the Galveston class cruisers, which were rebuilds of Cleveland class cruisers. The first installation was commissioned in 1958.
the AN/SPG-49 antennas operated the Talos missile battery. The SPS-30 3D radar was used to track the target and determine range and elevation. The target was then assigned to one of the two SPG-49 radar systems. Each SPG-49 radar had its own control room located deep in the ship above the Mk 111 missile fire control computer room.
Talos Mk 77 Missile Fire Control System - okieboat.com
The Mk 77 Guided Missile Fire Control System (GMFCS) controlled the flight of the missile after launching. It was composed of the AN/SPG-49 target tracking radars, the AN/SPW-2 missile guidance radars, the MK 111 Fire Control System computer, and …
Category : AN/SPG-49 - Wikimedia
The AN/SPG-49 was a guidance radar of the United States Navy for the RIM-8 Talos missile. It was associated with the (much smaller) SPW-2 radar.
AN/SPG-49 - EverybodyWiki Bios & Wiki
First designed in 1947-48, the SPG-49, also known as the Mark 49, was the first monopulse radar to be developed for Fleet operational use. It was intended for gunfire control initially, but was …
AN/SPG-49 - Radar Basics
Das AN/SPG-49 war ein im C-Band arbeitendes Raketenleitradar der US-Marine für deren RIM-8 Talos Luftverteidigungssystem. Es verwendete ein dreiachsiges Nivelliersystem (Seitenwinkel, Höhenwinkel und Achsenrotation) welches eine eine Radarabdeckung über die gesamte Hemisphäre erlaubte.