History of Alvin - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
One week prior to the end of the maintenance period the Alvin Group was requested to assist the Navy in the recovery of its CURV III towed ROV system, lost off the coast of southern California. Alvin was quickly reassembled and made four search dives before finally recovering the …
HOV Alvin - National Deep Submergence Facility
In 2022 the human-occupied vehicle (HOV) Alvin completed the final phase of an overhaul that enables it to travel 6,500 meters below the sea surface-more than 4 miles deep and 2,000 meters deeper than Alvin's previous maximum depth.
Underwater Vehicles - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Since its launch in 1964, the Alvin has made more than 5,100 dives and taken more than 3,100 scientists, engineers and observers to the deep seafloor. ROV Jason/Medea Jason is a remote-controlled, deep-diving vehicle that gives shipboard scientists real-time access to the sea floor.
ROV Jason/Medea - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Feb 29, 2024 · Jason and Medea are a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) system designed and built by WHOI’s Deep Submergence Laboratory and funded by the National Science Foundation to allow scientists to have access to the seafloor without leaving the deck of a ship. Jason is a two-body ROV system.
Vehicles - Deep Submergence Lab
AuxROV is a comparatively small, low cost Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) for preliminary exploration, auxiliary support, and equipment recovery in harsh environments.
Dive Statistics - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Dec 31, 2024 · Alvin Dive Statistics as of 12/31/2024 Total Dives 5,287 Total Depth 10,950,686 meters Average Depth per Dive 2,071 meters Total Time Submerged 36,942 hours Average Time Submerged per Dive 6.99 hours Total Persons Carried 15,861 Dive Purpose Breakout Biology 2,097 Geology/Geophysics 1,590 Chemistry/Geochemistry 748 Engineering/Equipment Tests ...
Explore - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
What We do: Explore Exploring the ocean, the WHOI way WHOI's reputation for success rests solidly on its ability to help researchers return from sea with their data. Whether this means operating ships and vehicles safely and reliably in difficult conditions or devising innovative solutions to challenging problems, WHOI's engineers…
Alvin’s. sphere is shaped from a steel plate at Lukens Steel Co., Coatesville, Pa. 1966. The U.S. Navy called in . Alvin. to help find a hydrogen bomb accidentally dropped into the Mediterranean Sea. Alvin. locates the bomb and, after the bomb skids down a slope on the first recovery attempt, it finds it again. 1973. The original steel personnel
Alvin and Jason featured in WHOI 2024 calendar Photo courtesy of Julie Huber, WHOI/NSF/ROV Jason 2023, ©Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution A sunset Alvin recovery in the Galápagos photographed by Alvin Group Lead Bruce Strickrott as well as photography captured with Jason during an expedition with WHOI Scientist Julie Huber to
Deep Submergence Lab
The National Deep Submergence Facility is home to HOV Alvin, ROV Jason/Medea, and AUV Sentry. Each vehicle offers unique tools to explore the mysteries beneath the ocean’s surface.