window - Difference between alt+tab and alt+escape - Ask Ubuntu
Sep 28, 2018 · @redbmk Alt+Esc once takes you to the last window you had. If you hold down the Alt key and tap the Esc again and again it will cycle through the windows. Also, it looks like Alt+Esc respects workspaces, i.e. only cycles through the windows in the current workspace Finally it looks like Alt-Esc works like Alt-Tab did in earlier versions, i.e ...
Alt +esc doesn't change focus when an app is set "Always on Top"
Apr 10, 2024 · After I put Gnome Clock to always on top by Alt+Space,then whenever I did Alt+Esc , it changed the blue box from window to window but does not brought anyone of them to focus. For example, I opened
What does the Alt-Shift-Esc keyboard shortcut do?
Mar 28, 2018 · @muru I don't think your second hypothesis (i.e. "behaviour changed after whichever version of GNOME 16.04") is true, alt+esc does cycle through all open windows on a workspace here (Ubuntu 17.10, GNOME v3.26). So it seems either it's a bug or Sebastian somehow overrode the default behaviour.
What is the equivalent of 'Control-Alt-Delete'? - Ask Ubuntu
Jan 13, 2012 · CTRL+ALT+DEL will bring you back to the default screen after 60 s, at least if the system hasn't hung, and will pop up a window prompting to cancel or confirm log out. CTRL+ALT+ESC does nothing by default. So if you want to bind opening the system monitor, either change the shortcut binding for log out to something else, or use another shortcut.
Left Alt button toggles between open windows and consumes …
Nov 27, 2019 · UPDATE 3: Following many months without any solution, a few days ago the Esc key stopped working completely (it is not even detected in the BIOS or in the terminal). Since this incident, the Left Alt key is behaving as normal and the posted issue is, well, no more. So, I suspect it could have been all along a faulty Esc key causing all this mess.
18.04 - Alt ^ freezes keyboard - Ask Ubuntu
Mar 4, 2019 · If I press Alt-^ Ubuntu 18.04 (Gnome) freezes. I can still move the mouse and I can shutdown the PC. But keyboard input is frozen. I press this combination sometimes accidentally when I want to press Alt-Esc. What am I doing wrong? Is there something I can do to prevent Ubuntu from freezing? I have german keyboard layout with dead-keys.
ALT-ESC to switch between windows --> window manager is …
Feb 8, 2019 · Hitting Alt-TAB brings up the terminal showing both terminals and you have to click the one you want to get to it. Quite annoying (at least for me). I got around this in 18.04 by installing Unity which defaults to the behaviour you and I seem to expect/desire.
How to configure Alt-Tab to switch between applications without ...
Jan 31, 2022 · In Pop!_OS, Alt-Tab is used to switch between windows of different applications. In Ubuntu 20.04, with "Switch applications" set to "Alt+Tab" in the Keyboard Shortcuts settings, Alt-Tab switches between the entire set of windows for each application, meaning that switching to the next application brings all of that application's windows to the foreground.
shortcut keys - Alt Tab with xdotool and xkeybind - Ask Ubuntu
Apr 15, 2012 · I'm trying to map alt tab behavior to a mouse button using xdotool in my .xbindkeysrc. What I want to do is map something like "xdotools keydown alt key Tab" release b:7 but by doing this the alt key gets stuck, and it prevents my other mappings from working until I press the alt key on the keyboard.
shortcut keys - How do I easily switch between windows rather …
Mar 18, 2016 · You can use Alt+` (the key above Tab) to cycle between windows of the same application. You can even mix Alt+Tab to cycle between application and Alt+` to cycle between windows of the selected application. There is an exposition of the rationale in this blog post from Canonical's Didier Roche. It's part of a series discussing the development of ...