[16x]-(1.8)(1.7) Alpha - Beta Nostalgic Resource Pack
Jul 4, 2013 · All of the textures from the alpha and beta years are now being used and can be seen below the download section. All of the textures are included in version 2 of the pack. Also, the yellow slogans on the title screen have been somewhat edited to seem like they were years back in the alpha and beta versions. Downloads: Sound only: (v1.2)
The Veteran Pack (Alpha Textures and Sounds Resource Pack)[v4.0]
Jul 9, 2013 · Yes, alpha textures have been done a number of times, unfortunately, I have never found ANYONE who keeps their pack up to date. I plan on keeping this pack up to date because I absolutely love the alpha textures, especially the cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, and bricks. The sounds took a while but they make the pack SO much more awesome.
[1.3.1] AlphaCraft | Alpha Textures! | 1.0.14 - Minecraft Forum
Aug 6, 2012 · I'll have to add the neither chests nor refined ore blocks can be "alpha" without mods that replace chest's regular block shape, and refined ore blocks having a top, side, and bottom texture. Furthermore, we get these 'nostalgia' packs all the time, the idea of it is overused, and they never bring anything new to the table. tl;dr try harder.
[16x] [1.8] Minecraft Alpha Pack
Sep 21, 2011 · It doesn't have to be like this, though. Not with the Minecraft Alpha Pack. The Minecraft Alpha pack reintroduces those cheery colors that Mojang has been slowly removing, getting rid of Biome-specific colors and reintroducing classic textures to the game. Minecraft, as it appears with Fancy graphics. The game with Fast graphics.
Jade Sierra's Autumn for Alpha 1.2.6 - A texture pack that brings ...
Aug 28, 2024 · I made this new texture pack for Minecraft alpha 1.2.6. This texture pack leaves all the original textures in tact but it gives everything a nice autumn colour palette. Install instructions are in the download files!
Minecraft Beta 1.5- Alpha Texture Pack?
Aug 10, 2013 · I used to use one, but it got ruined around when Beta 1.3 came out, because the sides of the grass were purple. Also, if you didn't know what I meant by "Alpha texture pack", it's pretty much the default texture pack except with brighter leaves and grass :grass:. I just really dislike the different shades of grass for some reason.
Minecraft 1.7.3 Alpha Feeling Texture Pack [16x16]
Jul 19, 2013 · Today i maded this new texture pack which will give you back the old Minecraft alpha feeling! :biggrin.gif: That means the old shine green grass, leaves, cobblestones and bricks! :smile.gif: So here are the screenshots and hope you like it!
[1.2.5] Minecraft Alpha Texture Pack 100%
Sep 10, 2012 · This has been done to death and changing 8 textures isn't a texture pack. Also, the ore blocks won't work without mods. Actually, I'm pretty sure he just changed one texture on the ore blocks.
Nostalgia-Craft - Resource Packs - Minecraft Forum
Jun 10, 2017 · I once decided to make a texture pack featuring the old textures from before the Halloween update in 2010, and Nostalgia-Craft is the result! There's two versions of the pack, an Alpha and a Beta version, both aim to capture some of the feel from Minecraft Alpha and Beta. More screenshots
[16x][1.5.1] Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2 texture pack
Aug 20, 2017 · Returns Minecraft to its former glory, to the greater days of Alpha Now available for Minecraft 1.5.1 Now also available with tall grass! Includes t... This site works best with JavaScript enabled.