AlfaOBD – Diagnostic & Configurator software - Jeep Garage
Feb 11, 2019 · I bought and connected alpha obd, I would like to activate the lowering of the glasses with the remote control but I can't find the parameter. I would also like to activate the high beams with fog lights but I can't find the parameter.
Alpha OBD | DODGE RAM FORUM - Dodge Truck Forums
Mar 5, 2020 · I'm looking into purchasing the alpha obd. Which OBD plugin in best for Rams? Also I saw something about an adapter for 2018 on the website. Is that for all 2018+ models? I currently have a 2019 classic and my wife has a 2016. Looking mainly to be able to read and clear diagnostic codes and...
Alpha OBD - Pros\Cons\Advantages | DODGE RAM FORUM
Aug 5, 2021 · Alpha is great to do different things with your truck and can adjust many parameters however your talking about modifications to the Engine Control Unit which modify how it performs.
ALPHA OBD 101 | DODGE RAM FORUM - Dodge Truck Forums
Nov 15, 2024 · Howdy, Well, the time has come to teach this old dog new tricks. I have done some preliminary research and it seems almost any mod done to these trucks benefits and in some cases mandatory software tinkering with the use of ALPHA OBD seems to be the preferred method. 2023 Ram 1500 Classic...
Just got Alpha OBD, have some questions about what features I …
May 11, 2022 · I posted this in the sticky Alpha OBD thread but haven’t gotten any replies so I figured I’d create a new thread. Anywho, I finally jumped on the Alpha OBD train. Got my security module bypass from kaodtech.com and was instructed from someone at alphaobd.com to use the OBDlink EX USB cable for...
AlfaOBD Known Changes 5th Gen | 5thGenRams Forums
Dec 26, 2019 · I got the same problem you had right now man I’m just about ready to quit and go back to my 8in screen! I want to try the alpha OBD but where do I get it?? I need to do the same process you did seems like that’s my only option left before quitting! Need your help bro Type "alfaobd" san quotes...
AlfaOBD | 5thGenRams Forums
Jun 27, 2019 · Forgive my if orance, but I just don't understand what Alpha OBD is even for. Can someone explain?
Alpha OBD Question | DODGE RAM FORUM - Dodge Truck Forums
Mar 4, 2025 · If anyone has the name of the module to connect to. I have Alpha OBD from when I had my 2015 1500 Big Horn. Used it extensively and have all the working codes/ fixes stored in my One Drive. I also purchased and hooked up the bypass harness and still have the Bluetooth OBD link. I want to change...
Alpha OBD help! | DODGE RAM FORUM - Dodge Truck Forums
Apr 29, 2017 · Yesterday I tried putting in remote start with the factory hood latch and alpha obd. This morning my truck won’t start. I noticed something weird last night when one of my headlights wasn’t working. I figured it was just a blown headlight. My key is …
Alpha OBD | DODGE RAM FORUM - Dodge Truck Forums
Mar 31, 2022 · Hello all, I am new to the Dodge Ram family. I am wanting to do some things with my 2012 ST. Is there a version of Alpha OBD that works with a 2012? Everything I see is for 2013 plus. Also the Alpha is just a software right? Will I need something else to connect to my truck? Thanks and sorry...