Perms 101- The alkaline wave or cold wave - YouTube
May 17, 2018 · The alkaline wave is most commonly known as the cold wave. This is because it processes at room temperature and does NOT require heat. This type of perm is a...
Permanent waves, perms and the formulations for different hair …
Alkaline waves are perhaps the most commonly used wave type because they are ideal for creating firm, lasting curls. Alkaline waves contain Ammonium Thioglycolate as a key ingredient and process quickly at room temperature without having to …
Acid Perm Vs. Alkaline Perm: What Are the Differences?
Nov 16, 2023 · Alkaline perms, or cold perms, are more popular than acid perms. This is because they’re faster and more convenient to use. An alkaline perm lotion uses a base, like ammonium thioglycolate, to curl your hair. It has a PH of 9.5, which makes it …
The Cold Perm: What It Is, How It Works, and Is It Right For You?
Sep 7, 2024 · The main difference between cold perms and hot perms (like digital perms), is that cold perms don’t rely on heat. Stylists use an alkaline solution on the hair which essentially breaks down the “disulfide” bonds in your hair structure.
The 9 Most Common Types of Perms | Explained in Detail
Dec 9, 2022 · Cold perms, or alkaline perms, are by far the most common type of perm. They don’t require heat to change your hair texture and wave/curl pattern. Cold perms involve applying ammonium thioglycolate, a strong alkaline chemical with a pH between 9.0 to 9.6, perm solution to wet hair rolled on plastic rods to form the wave or curl you want.
Difference Between Alkaline and Acid Perm
Mar 13, 2018 · There are two chemicals that are being used for a permanent wave or perm, Alkaline and Acid. They are both effective at making a hair permanent but they produce different types of curls. Alkaline Perms. Alkaline perms, also …
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Today’s cold waves are called alkaline waves and normally take 15-30 minutes to process. Contains thioglycolic acid and ammonia or ammonium thioglycolate, which has a pH between 8.0 to 9.5. This allows the solution to penetrate the hair faster.
The difference between acid waves and alkaline perms - Hairfinder
Alkaline waves are also called "cold waves" since they don't need any extra heat source to process. These work best on hair that is coarse, thick or resistant to processing as well as "normal" virgin hair as they are much stronger when compared to Acid waves.
What Are Hair Perms? Curl Patterns, Perm Types, and More - WebMD
Sep 18, 2024 · One is a cold wave perm, also called an alkaline perm or ceramic wave perm. Cold wave is a faster process that uses ammonium thioglycolate to set your perm within about 15 minutes.
Regular Perm Vs. Digital Perm: What’s The Difference? - Hairstyle …
Nov 16, 2023 · Regular perm is also called cold perm or cold-wave perm, as no heat is involved. Regular perms use an alkaline solution of ammonium thioglycolate to saturate your hair while it’s in rollers. Ammonium thioglycolate breaks the keratin bonds inside your hair.
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