1cp-AL-LAD? : r/LSD - Reddit
May 15, 2024 · From AL-LAD on the other hand you can expect the most amazing visions, incredibly beautiful, but it's very much lacking in depth compared to LSD, 1cP-LSD and 1P …
AL-LAD worth it vs LSD? : r/LSD - Reddit
ANY source of Al lad in USA is going to be about $12 USD per tab, maybe more. And remember, ya need 2. So that's $24 USD, compared to $3 for those double strength LSD gel tabs you can …
LSD vs AL-LAD : r/LSD - Reddit
Jan 30, 2015 · Definitely not. In my experience, AL-LAD is like LSD-lite. There was virtually no headspace at all and it was an entirely recreational experience. There were no insights or …
AL-LAD VS. 1P-LSD? Which one is better? : r/researchchemicals
Nov 5, 2015 · al-lad has a higher visuals:mind fuck componend than lsd 4-ho-met has a higher visuals:mind fuck component to 4-aco-dmt it's not a complete in depth explanation but should …
[Trip Report] First time on AL-LAD; 1 tab. : r/Drugs - Reddit
Mar 16, 2014 · AL-LAD vs. LSD: Onset was similar to LSD though AL-LAD climb was steeper. AL-LAD is a super visual compound. LSD visuals take about 90mins to be noticeable but they had …
1D-Al-Lad Tripbericht : r/drogen - Reddit
Sep 26, 2023 · Ich habe am Wochenende 1d-al-lad getestet und wollte euch meine Erfahrungen mitteilen. Als Fan von Psychedelika war es klar, dass ich mir diese Prodrug von Al-lad …
Thoughts/Experiences with AL-LAD : r/Drugs - Reddit
Found 300mcg AL-LAD to be rather weak mentally. Visuals were alright, didn't think anything special, erotic nature sucked on this. Music also fell a little short, flanging got too …
Comparing LSD to AL-LAD and LSZ (and a warning) : r/LSD - Reddit
Sep 16, 2014 · i've taken 300 ug of al-lad and it was very visual for me, i've also taken 750 ug of al-lad and i went to the void, entire field of vision was hallucinations accompanied with …
AL-LAD vs other LSD analogues : r/Psychonaut - Reddit
The optics and visuals are pretty intense as well and the combination of both gives you the typical LSD experience. AL-LAD on the other hand does not have the trippy headspace, or at the very …
1T-AL-LAD 100ug Erfahrung : r/drogen - Reddit
Dec 11, 2023 · Jeder von uns nahm 100ug 1T-AL-LAD ein. Es dauerte nicht lang, etwa 30 Minuten, da würde es uns richtig kalt. Kalte Hände waren am präsentesten. Nach und nach …