GP-25 - Wikipedia
The GP-25 Kostyor ("Bonfire"), GP-30 Obuvka ("Shoe") and GP-34 are a family of Russian 40 mm under-barrel muzzleloaded grenade launchers for the AK family of assault rifles. [3] The …
Ghost Recon Arms - GP25
The 40-mm GP-25 underbarrel grenade launcher is an issue weapon of the Soviet/Russian Army. It is also used by Special Forces including SPETSNAZ of the Federal Security Service (former …
GP 25 rifle-attached grenade launcher - gunrf.ru
TsKIB SCO developed the GP-25 grenade launcher, chambered for the VOG-25 round, and fielded it with the Soviet Armed Forces in 1978. The grenade launcher can be mounted on …
GP-25 Kostyor 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher
The GP-25 Kostyor 40mm underbarrel grenade launcher (GP-25) is a underbarrel grenade launcher in Escape from Tarkov. An underbarrel grenade launcher for 40mm VOG-25 …
GP-25 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The GP-25 (GRAU Index: 6G15) «Kostyor», also known as TKB-0121, is a Soviet grenade launcher developed in the 1960s and 1970s. The GP-25 is compatible with most full-length …
Any advice on getting a gp-25 launcher from maintenance to
Jan 27, 2022 · If you intend to use an akms type AK it is very front heavy but honestly didn't impact my gameplay. In terms of maintenance and durability I never had any issues. Probably …
AK GP-25 accessory kit recoil pad - Escape from Tarkov Wiki
A recoil pad from the standard accessories’ kit of GP-25 under-barrel grenade launcher for AK automatic rifles, also known as the "Overshoe". Despite its original purpose, it can be installed …
GP-25 枪挂式榴弹发射器 - 枪炮世界
G P-25可以加装到俄罗斯各种现役或新研制的步枪和冲锋枪上,包括AK-47、AKM、AK-74以及新的尼柯诺夫AN94上。 G P-25既可平射也可以曲射,用于摧毁50至400米射程内的暴露的单个 …
GP-25 - Official Squad Wiki
The GP-25 is a single-shot, muzzle loaded grenade launcher designed for the AKM and AK-74 family of assault rifles. It was originally adopted by the Soviet Union in the 1970s and later has …
GP-25附加型榴彈發射器 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
GP-25 (俄語: ГП-25 “Костёр”, 羅馬化:GP-25 'Kostyor',意為「篝火」, GRAU 代號: 6Г15)是一系列由 蘇聯 運動及狩獵武器中央設計研究局 (俄語:ЦКИБ СОО) (TsKIB …