be agreed to/with/by - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jun 3, 2023 · 1 This action was agreed with Jake. 2 This action was agreed to with Jake. 3 This action was agreed to by Jake. There are difference opinions on the correctness of the three. Do you agree that 2 is
word usage - Why is "agreed" used as an interjection? - English ...
May 26, 2016 · The formal meaning of "agreed" is still used (in the UK) in minutes of meetings, etc. In that context, "agreed" means that the committee, or person, who agrees has the authority to make a final decision about the matter and usually that having agreed, they expect some action to be taken. This meaning often applies to comments on emails in a ...
Agreed or agree? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Apr 2, 2021 · In this case, agreed on its own means "It is accepted". agree is the verb form. If you use a verb on its own, it is an imperative: telling somebody to do something. So, if you simply say agree, you are telling the other person to agree with you.
When asking if someone agrees or not with one word, do you say …
Dec 21, 2021 · The use of 'Agreed' in this instance seems to anticipate the other party agreeing with you, as if you are speaking for that person. In the former case you are asking that person explicitly. I would say both are correct. However there are subtle differences. 'Agree?' Is a direct question put to someone. 'Agreed?'
agreed to/on/with - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Aug 31, 2021 · Or "he and his mother agreed upon" – MikeB. Commented Aug 31, 2021 at 13:44. Also, better with past ...
present perfect - Have agreed or agree? - English Language …
Oct 28, 2020 · "I have agreed" - is a past participle tense of it, and it means, that "I have done the act of the agreement sometime ago, in the past, and it is active/valid up until now"; however I don't specify when that agreement took place. "I agree" - is a "simple present tense" of it, and it means, that I agree, either in general, or in the specific moment.
meaning - Agree with VS. Agree on/about - English Language …
I'm looking for the right explanation of the difference between "agree on/about something" and "agree with something." My guess is that if we agree with something, we second someone's comment, pro...
prepositions - Which one sounds more natural: "agree to a price" …
Dec 28, 2021 · "We agreed on the price with the customer, but then he changed his mind." "I offered $1000 for the car and she agreed to that." "We agreed on $100 for the job." In the first and third cases, the word "to" could be used instead of "on", but it would just sound more awkward, especially for the first sentence (and not as much for the third sentence).
When to use "is agreed"? - English Language Learners Stack …
The bank balance is agreed with the bank statement. I think this is grammatically incorrect. It sounds a bit bothering. The bank balance agrees/agreed with the bank statement. Does this one sound better? Anyone know which one is correct? When will we use is agreed? I think the subject-verb agreement is not correct in the first sentence.
What does 'agreed' modify in the sentence? - English Language …
Nov 16, 2017 · We could hyphenate it as agreed-upon to make it clearer that the two-word phrase is acting as a single adjectival unit, modifying the noun bet. The past participle of the verb agree is used adjectivally, and the preposition accompanies it when forming the adjectival phrase. It was a mutually agreed upon bet. The adverb mutually modifies the ...