Are Pedophiles Claiming to be 'Age Fluid'? - Snopes.com
Claim: A concerted effort exists to normalize "age fluidity" to allow pedophiles to legally engage in physical relationships with children.
Fact checked by snopes.comage fluid - Urban Dictionary
Jul 30, 2020 · Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of …
People of Reddit: What do you think about people who are "age fluid…
Age fluidity is when "the age someone identifies themselves with changes depending on the situation they are in." This seems super sketchy and a great way for shitty people to make excuses to/for themselves.
Are pedophiles identifying as “age fluid”? Fact Check
Jul 26, 2020 · A post on social media purports to describe the rise in people identifying as “age fluid” as a cover to legitimise pedophilia. In the context of the post, age fluid is used to describe individuals who claim not to have a fixed age.
Agefluid a person whose age identity is not fixed and changes
Jul 26, 2020 · #agefluid #person #age #identity #not #fixed #changes #time #depending #situation #wanna #cry #country
Best Funny agefluid Memes - 9GAG
Enjoy the best of new funny agefluid meme pictures, GIFs and videos on 9GAG. Never run out of hilarious memes to share.
Age fluid, mais qu’est ce que ça veut dire, l'âge biologique est-il ...
Jun 15, 2022 · Que veut dire le terme "age fluid", en quoi il consiste, comment savoir s’il on fait partie des individus d'âge fluid. Voici un article qui va vous éclairer sur ce terme qui peut être flou et polémique !
Age fluid - 9GAG
196 points • 81 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. We deliver hundreds of new memes daily and much more humor anywhere you go.
Urban Dictionary: the aged
Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of youth.
É #FAKE que Felipe Neto atue para criar conceito de 'idade ... - G1
Jul 31, 2020 · Circula pelas redes sociais uma mensagem que diz que acaba de chegar ao Brasil uma onda da esquerda pedindo a criação da "age fluid", ou idade fluída, que busca normalizar a pedofilia.
The quadrant reacts to Agefluid : r/PoliticalCompassMemes - Reddit
I'd say for most people their mental age isn't their phiycal age as people mature at different rates. I'd say I act slightly older than my age (19) and my 48 year old mum still acts like shes in her …
I identify as Age-fluid! - The Tim Sackett Project
Apr 26, 2023 · Age is the number that signifies how long you’ve been outside the womb. It has been corrupted by culture to “mean” other things. This silly age-fluid vrap just builds on that and perpetuates the fascination with age. People of all ages can do and feel many things. There isn’t a correct way to be 17 or 27 or 37.
Age fluid phobia - 9GAG
7,063 points • 420 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. We deliver hundreds of new memes daily and much more humor anywhere you go.
‘Clovergender’ adults use ‘age fluidity’ to justify paedophilia? No ...
Jul 30, 2020 · Some adults identify as “age-fluid”, younger than they really are, to justify sexual relationships with children. At least, that’s the claim in a message circulating on Facebook in South Africa in July 2020. It includes a graphic with an illustration of a crouching adult man holding his hands out to a small boy.
Are Pedophiles Claiming to be 'Age Fluid'? - Suds
No concerted effort exists to normalize "age fluidity" as a way for adults to engage in sexual relationships with children. This is transphobic hoax that was created in an attempt to smear the LGBTQ community by linking them to pedophilia.
Urban Dictionary: age.*
Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of youth.
Becoming "Age-Fluid." by Chip Conley - meawisdom.com
Dec 7, 2022 · Denoting or relating to a person who does not identify themselves as having a fixed age or being part of a specific generation. Someone “age-fluid” might have been called “ageless” in the past. However, that definition (“never looking old …
Urban Dictionary: The Fluid
Feb 1, 2017 · Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of …
Urban Dictionary: Aged
Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of youth.
Urban Dictionary: Fluidness
Though not an actual term used to describe any sexual orientation or identity, "age fluid" is used as a device in memes to disturb and conjure fear of trans/genderfluid folks. This occurs by suggesting that the LGBTQ+ community would justify or condone sexual assault of youth.