AFSV | Hizmet Movement – Fethullah Gulen | Alliance for Shared …
The Alliance for Shared Values (AfSV) is a non-profit umbrella organization that serves as a voice for civic and service organizations associated with the Hizmet social initiative in the U.S. We support the principles of democracy, equal opportunity and emphatic acceptance of religious and cultural diversity.
Core Values of the Hizmet Movement - AFSV
The Hizmet movement is a civil society movement committed to the ideals of living together in peace and serving humanity, and it works within the framework of social responsibility and philanthropy.
Humanitarian Aid - AFSV
Member and partner organizations of the Alliance for Shared Values work towards bringing relief and humanitarian aid to communities affected by natural disasters or otherwise in need of assistance in the United States and around the world. Helping fellow human beings, regardless of their ethnic, religious or cultural backgrounds, is a core
Young Leaders in Civic Engagement - AFSV
As an umbrella organization for several institutions to form a nationwide network, AfSV has been working toward promoting community service, education, and interfaith dialogue. With this initiative, we hope to support and recognize young social innovators who contribute meaningfully to society through civic engagement.
Statements in Turkish - Türkçe Açıklamalar - AFSV
Alliance for Shared Values Message for International Day of Peace September 21, 2024– The Alliance for Shared Values (AfSV) stands with the United Nations (UN) and the global community in celebrating the International Day of Peace, a day that reaffirms our collective commitment to advancing the values of peace, mutual respect, and dignity
Hizmet Movement - AFSV
Hizmet Movement Hizmet is a transnational civil society initiative that advocates for the ideals of human rights, equal opportunity, democracy, non-violence and the emphatic acceptance of religious and cultural diversity. It began in Turkey as a grassroots community in the 1970s in the context of social challenges being faced at the time: violent
AfSV'den KAMUOYUNA AÇIKLAMA 26 Haziran 2024 - AFSV
Jun 26, 2024 · afsv’den kamuoyuna aÇiklama 26 Haziran 2024 – Son günlerde medyada yer alan, Muhterem Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin 15 Temmuz darbe girişimini önceden bildiğine dair iddia ve spekülasyonlar gerçeği yansıtmamaktadır ve dikkatleri 15 Temmuz’un gerçek planlayıcıları ve faillerinden saptırmaya matuf bir karalama ...
Overview - AFSV
Overview About the Alliance for Shared Values Inspired by the work of Mr. Fethullah Gulen, the Alliance for Shared Values is an umbrella non-profit organization serving as a voice for civic, culture and service organizations around the U.S dedicated to promoting community service, education and interfaith dialogue. The Alliance’s member organizations are founded
7 Kasım 2024– Fethullah Gülen Hocaefendi’nin ruhunun ufkuna yürümesi münasebetiyle Hizmet gönüllülerine ve sevenlerine taziyelerimizi sunar, Cenâb-ı Hak’tan sabr-ı cemil niyaz ederiz.. Bugüne kadar farklı vesilelerle duyurulduğu üzere, Hizmet Hareketi, barış içinde birlikte yaşama ve insanlığa hizmet etme ortak idealine matuf olarak; toplumsal sorumluluk ve ...
Alliance for Shared Values message on the anniversary of July 15, …
AfSV’s Message of Condemnation of the Assassination Attempt on Former U.S. President Donald Trump. July 14th, 2024 |