Zoroastrian Ritual: Afrinagan (Ritual of Blessing) - Avesta
The Afrinagan service, also known as the flower ceremony, is central to the outer or public ceremonies of Zoroastrianism. It generally invokes blessings for the entire congregation, which usually participates. It also commemorates the departed members of the community.
The Afrinagan Ceremony - Avesta
The term "Afrinagan" has three different connotations. First, the Afrinagan is a multi-part ceremony of blessing. The term "Afrinagan" is also used to refer to the individual Afrinagan prayers of the Avesta. One or more of these prayers may be …
ĀFRĪNAGĀN – Encyclopaedia Iranica
Jul 28, 2011 · ĀFRĪNAGĀN, a term for one of the outer Zoroastrian liturgical services and for the specific Avestan prayers which accompany it.
The Afrinagans are four “blessing” texts recited on a particular occasion: the first in honor of the dead, the second on the five epagomenal days that end the year, the third is recited at the six seasonal feasts, and the fourth at the beginning and end of summer. ÂFRÎNAGÂN. 1.
This description of the Zoroastrian Afrinagan ritual was initiated as a tool for teaching English-speaking students the correct pronunciation and ritual details.
The Afrinagan Service: The Zoroastrian Ritual of Blessing | PDF ...
This document provides an overview of the Zoroastrian ritual of blessing known as the Afrinagan. It describes the various parts of the ceremony, including preliminary prayers, the Afrinagan prayers themselves, and concluding prayers.
The Zend Avesta, Part III (SBE31): Âfrînagân: I. Âfrînagân Gahanbâr
After the consecration (which only a priest can perform) is over, the meal is eaten by those who are present. The performance of these Âfrînagân is required of every Parsi at certain fixed seasons of the year.
Zoroastrian Ritual - Afrinagan (Ritual of Blessing) | PDF - Scribd
The document summarizes the parts that make up the Afrinagan service in Zoroastrianism, which is a central ritual that invokes blessings. It consists of preliminary prayers, a dibache, various afrinagans (blessings) that can be recited, additional afrins (blessings), and …
Afringan, Jashan and Faresta rituals | Ramiyar Karanjia
The Afringan, Jashan and Faresta are three outer rituals having similar purposes, common prayers and identical ritual acts. Afringan: The word Afringan means blessings. In this ritual Asho Farohars and souls of the departed are remembered.
The Zend Avesta, Part III (SBE31): Âfrînagân: III. Âfrînagân Rapithvin
III. ÂFRÎN[-AGÂN] 2 RAPITHVIN 2. 1. I confess myself a Mazda-worshipper, of Zarathustra's order, a foe to the Daêvas, devoted to the lore of the Lord, for Rapithwina, the holy lord of the ritual order, for sacrifice, homage, propitiation, and praise, and for Frâdat-fshu 3 and Zantuma 4,. p. 374. the holy lord(s) of the ritual order. 2. And to Ahura Mazda, the resplendent, the glorious ...